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hello blueblue.....
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-1-28 12:29 AM
why you laugh so evil


got meh????
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-1-28 12:37 AM
evil girl


why hit me???!!!!
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-1-28 12:42 AM
you are evil la
good night


I am so tire today


what have you done ar???
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-2 11:16 PM
I just wake up.....
don't know why feel so tire


what time you slept yesterday night??
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-2 11:27 PM
11 la....very early
good boy needs to sleep early


maybe you sleep too more la
joesyip1968 發表於 2010-2-2 11:29 PM
10 hours la.....not too much la


ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-4 11:36 PM
why you come in so late today???
you just get home???


nolar  dint go out....just now watching tv.....
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-4 11:46 PM
what tv ar


tv lor....got many types ga meh???
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-4 11:50 PM
tvb dramas.....or movies????
that's what I am asking


why scold me wor??? you dint ask properly.....
dramas lor.....
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-4 11:55 PM
I didn't scold you la
you use this all the time too ---->
I am just following you


don't simply follow me......
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-4 11:59 PM
you are big sis
not follow you, follow who wor


since when i become your big sis ga???
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-5 12:23 AM
big sis for one minute
after one minute, you are my love again


Jessie Jessie ...do you want me to buy you a medal???


the new year medal la

