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better than me la, i wake up at 6:30am every weekday~
summei0529 發表於 2010-2-8 11:53 PM
you go to bed at what time gar? at least need to sleep 7hrs
time's up xD
go to bed lar... bye everyone
passing by to greet my big sis sis'
have a nice day!
big sis sis'...
big sis sis is super busy =/
don't forget to rest ar and don't give yourself too much pressure
remember to relax!
seems like u haven't come to my house for ages ...
boy12 發表於 2010-2-11 11:44 PM
thought you were diving water
big sis sis'~
big sis sis'~ how have you been?
long time didn't chat with you lar
hello big sis sis'! long time no see!
how have you been recently?
big sis sis'~how's life? =)
hello bro bro~ i am so sad la
summei0529 發表於 2010-3-31 11:18 PM
what happened?
my best friend aka colleague got laid off, last day today. just watched him left and i was in tears...
summei0529 發表於 2010-3-31 11:25 PM
i don't know what can I say...
Cheer up :/ I believe that everything will be ok
thanks bro bro..... i go say bye to another colleague then go home la... ==
summei0529 發表於 2010-4-1 12:02 AM
you are welcome big sis sis'...
be careful on the road ar =/
how are you today big sis sis'?
hope everything is fine with you since yesterday...
Tomorrow will be a better day! Cheer up =)
thank you bro bro~

how about you la? how's school???
summei0529 發表於 2010-4-1 09:13 PM
you are welcome big sis sis'

me ar... very busy with my assignments lor... i'm sleeping less than 7hrs every day... becoming a "country treasure" LOL