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lhy92725 發表於 2014-8-25 11:18 AM
貓貓好啊!!週末週日過得很好!! 有去Gym啦...又去左呢度既海鮮餐廳食左好耐冇食既炸豪..仲整理好我既縫紉工具、用品、同布料、同濕碎野...非常有成就感!!
lhy92725 發表於 2014-8-25 11:33 AM
係呀! 識 DD 啦! 買現成紙樣,車得都似摸似樣嘎!!
Seafood in Idaho?  Must be frozen seafood.  
I went to Seaside, OR (one hour from Portland, OR) this weekend and had some fresh seafood.  Are you jealous now?
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2014-8-25 03:46 PM
Yes, that true with most restaurants in Idaho. And if it weren't frozen, you shouldn't be eating any... However, Red Lobster serves Live Lobsters!!

We'll be going to Portland probably end of the month.. hehe..  so will be jealous until then.
lhy92725 發表於 2014-8-25 03:48 PM
貓貓 中午好!!
I went to Red Lobster on Saturday evening.  Food is okay but portion and price are way better than Canada.
You need to do shopping in Oregon to save tax too?
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2014-8-26 04:29 AM
It looks like we're luckier than you are! We have a Red Lobster right around the block!

We don't "Need" to do shopping in Oregon to save tax; we have to pay sale tax whichever state we go, anyway. We go to Portland to shop for stuff we can't get from here, electronic stuff, etc... and there is a China Town I could get most of the Asian cooking stuff I need for Asian cooking. Walmart here has somewhat they call Asian stuff, but they are not authentic and incredibly expensive(usually 3x more expensive).
lhy92725 發表於 2014-8-26 01:21 PM
lhy92725 發表於 2014-8-26 01:31 PM
唔好意思! 咁路人甲同我講英文,我應該講英文答番至係,呢D係基本禮貌黎嘎!!
lhy92725 發表於 2014-8-26 01:46 PM
lhy92725 發表於 2014-8-26 01:58 PM
lhy92725 發表於 2014-8-26 02:12 PM
好呀! 希望唔會太熱啦! 掰掰!!
貓貓 晚上好!!
本帖最後由 gracechanstuart 於 2014-8-27 08:08 PM 編輯
Red Lobster and The Cheesecake Factory...
The operating cost is too high for the American to open restaurants here.  Ontario is another story...

I didn't know you have to pay sale tax while sh ...
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2014-8-26 03:31 PM
Red Lobsters chain restaurants seem to be doing okay, but I think The Cheesecake Factory has gone bankrupt (So much for health-conscious food trend, MacDonalds and KFCs are still popular). I'm not sure why the cost of running restaurant business is so high in Canada.  I knew of a Canadian Chinese once got caught running a Chinese restaurant in Idaho, illegally.

It looks like Washington State has somewhat highest tax rates on most of everything, fuel tax, for example is relatively higher there, and tobacco tax is twice or 3x higher than California. Idaho sale tax is about 7%, and Americans never get sales tax refund I suppose. Florida seems to be the state that has lowest sale tax rate, that's the state know for paradise of retired seniors, probably because of that.

Main reason for Going to Portland to shop is that Fry's is there, and Trader Joe's is also there, plus the China town.  We were spoiled in Austin where we had access to all kinds of high end stuff.  By the way, Best Buy is never best buy, electronics could be 50% higher in price than Fry's.  Circuit City? I think they went bankrupt(?) about 3 years ago, but not so sure.

貓貓 早晨!!
貓貓 晚上好!!