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Thank you very much for all of your input; your courage, your effort, your effectiveness, your hard work, your professionalism, your dedication and your sophistication in the achievement of this TV program.  This is a very very difficult task.  Your every effort, every hard work, and every persistence have made this impossible phenomenon event become available to us.  You are definitely recognized.  You have all of my support.
點解唔系粵語? 而系國語??  ATV六點鐘新聞2015-11-03.rmvb. 麻煩你check 下啦。。。謝謝
你的title 系寫粵語的,但是這個是國語啊。。。。。。謝謝
你的title 系寫粵語的,但是這個是國語啊。。。。。。謝謝