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for me, 1 week once is good for men's health as the sperm contain high protein. if a week, only 1 - 2 days no sex, it means the man sperm is also lesser day by day, when you want to get pregnant, the sperm also not strong enough to reach ur ovum.
+ \" b- q+ Q+ lTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。then, when you do too much in a week, when times go on, you felt no more fun for having sex, every time also this style, every time also do this to me, no more special, no more excitement. Consequently, the man or woman may feel bored, then seek for another one especially man will do this. they will seek for not so sexy or more sexier, for instance your breast is 36B, maybe he wants bigger, he may go for D cup, and those girls that know more style to bring man reach orgasm or excitement and etc.
9 d6 |# b: M1 m! Jos.tvboxnow.com他不止没体谅你,还要让你更辛苦(做爱),而且是10次里有9次都是只是做爱,一直做。os.tvboxnow.com3 S0 g2 Z1 S& N4 J* L# v- l& I
os.tvboxnow.com  C1 [' @1 N4 L- h7 r
就如你所说,你都已经累了,已经没心情做了。所以,他100%爱你的身体多过爱你的心。他是以一种变态的心态 “把你当成性奴”
% A" n; \+ ~1 X& d# r其实,我有一个问题,为何你不说 “不”?为何你要接受呢?还是你觉得应该做爱?
9 i( L2 t$ \* j' btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb如果你真的很想知道爱身体或爱你的心,你必须要在一个或两个星期内一直说 “不”,看他是否会离你而去还是一直勉强你接受他的无理的要求(做爱)或以一个很温柔的心情问你会问为什么不要做爱类似的问题,然后你  “不能” 立刻回答他,你必须要他问你多过10次,要他很不顺,很生气的心情问你。 最后,还是他会体谅你让你休息一或两个星期才继续 (但,不是又10次里9次都做)。或许他也会问为什么,但他会以你身为女生的看法去想,他会说类似 “你是不是不舒服,你累了我帮你按摩,早点冲凉早点休息,你是不是今天来红,你今天工作如何,等等。。。” 的话。 虽然,这些都关于到做爱,但是,不是直接关于,他是以一个所谓 “把女人放在第一位” 的想法出发,所有或大多数他说的都是关心你的状况而不是一直要把话题转回到要你接受做爱。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! p- G( _+ s# Z( g1 W
3 {) `5 Y2 V. e
劝告   以上“离你而去,勉强你,问你多过10次为什么” 都是证明了他爱你的身体,不是爱你的心。 只有单单体谅你,了解你背后原因为何向他说 “不” 才是爱你的心,不是你的身体。假如你们之间没改善的话,每一次见面都做 做 做,当他觉得你已经不能够成全或满足到他的性要求的时候,他就会说 “分手”,而你呢或许会因为害怕或不想和他分手,变成了你也会用做爱而留下他的人。那,你们就没完没了,只能够用 “做爱” 为继续关系的理由。最后做得太多,你下体会有可能会发炎假如没处理好。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; a* t) x1 y$ V6 C  a. B
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* v# P# G9 {% `
如果有什么问题不明白的话,可以 send 信息给我。
要有要求也不是一直只是做爱 做爱 做爱。) [* ?9 @! y- D
做爱能帮助感情更上一层楼,但是,这真的太多了。对现在和以后也不好。6 J- i6 L+ n4 O: W( Z4 |
2 |! q2 w) _+ N# z, K  z公仔箱論壇如果现在不改善,将来会是你后悔和无法想象的关系。: u, G5 D' ]) r9 `- ^" `- L
3 n; G( {, V! h5 _! L/ H
他们这段感情出了很大问题。他们除了对对方的生殖器了解之外,其它的,他们根本不知道。公仔箱論壇4 H- I' e8 R% R1 ]; D
比如说男的读书到如何,家庭如何,几时毕业;女的现在做什么工,什么位置,薪水多少。我有80%肯定他们统统不知道。他们已经很久很久没坐下谈天,了解一下对方了。就如她说的 “每天只是回家,做爱,和吃饭”
if what they need is juz SEX, then what for ?
4 i7 ]  l7 N" l5 F; M公仔箱論壇purposely find a gf instead of whore to have sex becoz of FOC and able to have sex anytime anywhere? this totally not couple life, also not for future relationship.
那么open? 卡拉OK 不怕被人看到吗?最惨是你玉体都给人看完了。
$ e, k3 w2 |' dTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
8 u& D/ H# t% d4 B2 y公仔箱論壇其实,到底你有没有读我的reply? 为何不回答?
  n  w/ q" J) ^+ @5 j( q% Ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb你根本就把自己当成鸡,每次见面都做爱。就像男孩一call,鸡就到,然后就随便找个地方做。
A bit over. everytime come out just for sex. =.=, t( Z4 y0 H; r  D5 [$ R  z6 g
I understand your condition. sometimes after working really very tired. Discuss with him ba.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 j3 [+ e3 e4 }/ ]) L( ?
let him understand you also. Mutual understanding is very  ...os.tvboxnow.com# `% {6 Y4 D9 |$ ?- I4 u' T, `
lengyan 發表於 2012-12-30 11:13 AM
) U; l/ u8 P* v4 J2 U  B
! F2 I" A) f) e% |- Lforget it, she also not listen to me. I really wanna see what she got at the end if she don't follow my statement. i got over 90% confirmed the guy will leave her when a day she refuse / reject to have sex or until she got some illnesses on her uterus / vagina then she knows. :)
1 j5 r- S1 k3 K( F/ G) t
$ S0 X7 K% N' q9 k* `; |. ?/ sGood luck to those people do not listen to me. :)
alex890628 说的对!! 你应该思考一下。。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ o7 }$ P5 K4 N0 M0 Y' ]) |
imloveu 發表於 2012-12-30 08:19 PM
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 b# z( P: n5 u( ?

5 K% n7 I8 j% ]9 E9 U8 t0 HTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。我已经给他很多劝告了,但,她好像不接受。算了吧,有人要去死,你也当不了。要劝都劝了,看她要如何做吧。
which means he is ignoring this issue between 2 of u. Then, every time meet up also have sex, of the cannot last long la. Maybe you all do not know much about sex, actually if man has too much sex within a period of time, he cant last long and become "Joseph" (早泄).
4 @2 `- R1 x, k) Kos.tvboxnow.comTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 X; B1 O, i  O& w5 c
Actually be frank to you, your bf do not mature enough, he is still having fun around and thought he is still young but actually he's not. That's why whenever you bring up any problem on the table, he will just ignore it, at the end the problems haven't settled and both of you separated go back home and wait for another meet up to have sex.
/ [; z1 m3 b9 l% Z8 q5 h) |+ W: i
% p9 X( z2 ^& |* I' l& dSeriously, it just my opinion la, i advise you break up with him better.公仔箱論壇0 a, T. Y: `% E5 C3 x$ X  n
& [' L6 o5 ?( b+ q4 z9 h
: u7 j& m- X* `" oos.tvboxnow.comYou are a girl, a girl needs a man to rely on, but i c**禁止廣告網址** he is a man that able to provide you shoulder for you to rely.
  `6 p1 b0 g* S& y' s! }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。You already busy, stress and tired for your family, income, living expenses, working and etc, and now you still become like a "babysitter", whenever baby cry, call you for milk, then you just feed him milk. if you don't feed him milk then he continues cry. you SHOULD let this baby know he SHOULD stop drinking milk, or else later kinder garden still bringing milk bottle to class. What I want to talk here is let him know is TIME TO STOP FOR SEX, DON'T ALWAYS SEX... SEX... SEX.... IF DON'T STOP NOW, in future then continue SEX SEX SEX.
本帖最後由 alex890628 於 2013-1-1 09:57 PM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" H' V, ?4 r9 W  ]' d
' P5 `2 Y! f3 P* D- G9 t
Actually, did you said "No" before? and what's his reaction if you say "no"?2 R# s9 U% Z$ O' I# Y+ ~% S7 v% z8 E8 g" w
If he loves you, he will respect you.  @; J. ~4 Y) b9 \; k2 x
If he still want to have action after you say no....  he is too over... not respect y ...os.tvboxnow.com# A/ k* [$ i' ]. v7 A* g
Boyboy1207 發表於 2012-12-31 11:11 PM
os.tvboxnow.com' [9 K& D0 M* n1 s  j$ H- g8 {5 M
Why you direct translate from my comment?* L8 H3 h, a, k8 I5 F
公仔箱論壇3 G3 K: P8 X7 R. n' A
其實會唔會你都幾索, 或者身材好, 你男朋友忍唔住呀? 如果佢唔出去偷食, 只係同你一個...咁你會唔會感覺好D?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 {1 j7 I$ }$ |: Z+ n$ I" C
webuy 發表於 2013-1-1 09:42 PM
- }# V) _2 C" D( D( Y根本与这件事无关。 就算她身材很好,也不应该10次见面9次做爱。 他们根本就只是做爱就没什么做了,我本身觉得大多数问题出现在男生。 他根本从头到尾都没关心过她,每次见面都要做,无论女子工作有多累,都要做。老实说,我很讨厌这种男孩。
唔正常。 太多啦。有太多sex 对他读书脑唔好。
公仔箱論壇7 H5 g7 w( Y( {5 Q0 z3 k% H: \
兩年轉三科, 我諗佢付出努力都唔算多......, 向我的要求就比較多.
. [/ i5 A9 t, B. S公仔箱論壇momoko_lam 發表於 2013-1-3 08:10 PM
" I. `! B' q3 _* ?6 q; @; Ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
/ E; k" X5 S: M' g所以,他一点都不成熟。 假如他再也没改进的话,分手吧。 不要再浪费时间在他身上了。你青春有限。
You should suggest Momoko to maintain this relationship not telling her separation.
+ ?. h* ?" y/ q5 I1 c+ T1 T- {) \( I- htvb now,tvbnow,bttvbMay be you are right about the man's sex drive. But if she don't love him. You think she will let him make love on h ...
% m# v# U. \; V' a- ?& g# wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbmarkhamwong 發表於 2013-1-4 10:34 PM
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' z6 n6 D7 ~2 j$ Q

4 R) G- x' U) o# E3 H9 zos.tvboxnow.comIf you read all 6 pages, you may write me something different. You thought I do not suggested her any ideas? I did, but seems she didn't reply any or taking some time to consider which and what steps should take in order to get the conclusion she expected.公仔箱論壇1 h+ e# o2 E- q0 \! O, k

+ k8 `7 Y- `  W' wI knew I should not tell or ask her to do separation, but seems she really loves that man too much until she lost her real personality. now she is struggling, if she follow my ideas and take action, she will get more easier to make decision. UNFORTUNATELY, she does not planned to do so.
I have made my decision to talk yo himtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 V1 e% H2 g$ f5 j
momoko_lam 發表於 2013-1-5 10:16 AM
! i/ `( `5 F8 O+ dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  p: j: E1 E7 v7 H) v
GOOD. Hope you 2 can be continue together with solutions.
; d# S# J  O8 p9 V5 ]; p/ W
I passed the problem to him. Let him to make decision. He did not give me answer. see how to go.
3 v& D5 G& t! u0 V# ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvbmomoko_lam 發表於 2013-1-7 05:46 AM
6 Y+ i2 X+ U" i4 J* H公仔箱論壇
; L& ]/ h$ c5 N2 e公仔箱論壇He did not give u answer immediately or you already gave him few days time to consider?
) g8 w( ~! u& ^, |+ L4 t" Vos.tvboxnow.comWhat kind of problem you throw to him?