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原帖由 woofy 於 2007-12-16 04:50 AM 發表
I finished giving out $$$Christmas presents$$$ to all our members!!
how come i didnt get any?    j/k
原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-17 06:13 AM 發表
想做股東。。。。須要申請 ﹗﹗
申請,申請 ...support, support

[ 本帖最後由 l77o5twa17t3d 於 2007-12-17 08:55 PM 編輯 ]
anyone home?
原帖由 vwwo 於 2007-12-18 02:31 PM 發表
no worry, i will try push it to max again
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-18 03:54 PM 發表
wah u eat banana la..ur company so messed up!!!!!!!! boy12 and me try to help but it is gone too far.....
mess up ma?....i double my  "sun ka" wor...heehee
i drop the price to about $6 tonite.....heehee...push bak up to this price is ok la~
hi everyone...
woofy, hurry up donate tvb$220000000 to家族 la....make 家族財富 max ma~:onion31: :onion31:
hohoho.......天使長 is back:onion10: :onion10:
原帖由 geese 於 2007-12-28 06:09 AM 發表
Up max people will change show 4 only @@
i think they fix it already....聖騎士軍團is showing they have 210 member
hohoho.....im bak~happy new years to everyone
Wild card saturday really wild!!

But i likt it that way~
原帖由 洛仔 於 2008-1-8 01:25 PM 發表


support support u too:onion31: :onion31: