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lhy92725 發表於 2013-1-16 01:38 PM
I am sorry because my workplace's pc won't allow me to type chinese :(
leng zai, are you in HK?
chowold2 發表於 2013-1-16 01:45 PM
I am in Australia
is there any vacancies for me? i wish to go back there ~
wasimasterQ 發表於 2013-1-16 01:49 PM
There is always job, depending what you want to do. But without PR is very hard to get a a job. What is your expertise? ( Beside snaking)
QQ if you got PR, you can always come back. Apply through seek.com
QQ 我要开始找新工了,我的manager辞职。。
Sour Lemon 给我新工
Good Morning louisyear ...why 你老板辞职你就要找新工?你应该等他走然后坐他个位嘛。。。

稀客啊。。。。VIP RR早晨啊。。

色啦吗把鸡柠姐姐~ ...
wasimasterQ 發表於 2013-1-17 08:39 AM
现在的job market 很差。。 我的专长是 finance 保险, 还有蛇王
原来系保险老~。。。你系买保险定系坐写字楼 management 伽?
wasimasterQ 發表於 2013-1-17 09:11 AM
哦 。。。学你话。。。去seek.com 按一按咯~。。。
wasimasterQ 發表於 2013-1-17 09:36 AM
seek 都没工
black 都已经下午了,还早晨 :P