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I am 蛇王 from Melbourne Australia, office computer can't type chinese.....
Thanks guys,

I work as an administrator. Boring job!
14324# wasimasterQ
That's true, the economy is very tough in Australia now.

What about you wasimasterQ? Where do work?
14326# lovebearhl

Most people get paid fornightly here in Australia. Depending on what you do, some people get paid weekly as well.
14331# ob51330
You know I am always good.
i working in Malaysia, Penang. ....i missing Australia...is really a nice country~
wasimasterQ 發表於 2013-1-9 11:58 AM
That's ok, at least you have Penang Lui and Penang Laksa.
It is not easy as you think to get a job over there as a foreigner.
wasimasterQ 發表於 2013-1-9 12:00 PM
All you can say is it looks great but it is actually not.

Not telling you where I am from :P
he means origin...
saw you stated there Malaysia.
Which part of Malysia you from???
lovebearhl 發表於 2013-1-9 12:05 PM
so smart. Should have taken that off.

Have to reveal my origin otherwise WashimasterQ would get upset. I am from Melaka.
haha...which state/ which uni she graduated?
wasimasterQ 發表於 2013-1-9 12:09 PM
wasimaster is getting excited when he heard it was a girl
haha...why i will be upset??
wasimasterQ 發表於 2013-1-9 12:13 PM
Of course you won't. So what did you study in Australia and where?
haha...you tell me which field and which uni you graduated first~
wasimasterQ 發表於 2013-1-9 12:20 PM
graduated from Tar College.
i graduated from KDU College.
wasimasterQ 發表於 2013-1-9 12:26 PM
celaka, Bachelor of Business Carrick Higher Education
don't worry, QQ won't upset~~~
lovebearhl 發表於 2013-1-9 12:30 PM
He just want to know your cousin :P
Every company should have a place for 蛇王. Keep the staffs for being motivated
haha... i dont think they will being motivated...
will become more lazy...
lovebearhl 發表於 2013-1-9 12:37 PM
If you have ever worked in Australia, then you would know being lazy (work smart) is necessary