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We malaysians salute the great grand man Mr.Sim Mok Yu for his great sense of reality!
Discovey evidences of Hang Tuah legacy should be taught and update in Sejarah Malaysia for future generations!
Majority of our present leaders of chinese community lacks of sense of reality compare to the past as mention in the history above.
Thanks for sharings all the interesting history of great chinese community leaders as mentions above.


  • civicboy1969

The various facts above is so interesting and exiting which uncover the truths  in many aspects regardings the origins of the earliest settlers in Malaya.I would carry this facts n messages as many as possible to every corners in Malaysia regardless young n old.


  • civicboy1969

Qoute above" What race ruled or did not rule is not important! The most important points is to bring the people together,progress,prosperity of nations regardless race n religions and remove selfish , greedy and irresponsible people from administrating the nation,
thank you for sharing a lots valuable informations and facts of past sejarah malaya.i doubt not many young generations know all past history and many important actual facts are left out in the syllabus or cover up.


  • civicboy1969

Thanks for untiring efforts sharing all this interesting facts of past malaya history n keep it up!


  • civicboy1969
