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Fian. 發表於 2009-7-16 09:32 AM
Japan........ my number 1 choice. If with you,... then it will be prefect.
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-16 09:35 AM
should be ok "ga",..... but travel to  Russia is not for shopping... is for the view
and the museum..... really nice to look at it
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-16 10:11 AM
even you dont have makeup,..... you still look good.
Try not to put it o one day,.... trust me,.... you still will
be busy,......
Lucky that you answer the "no caller id" phone,...
otherwise i will not able to hear your voice....
Just finished my dinner,..... Tomato beef  rice ( chow fan dai )
maybe ee at your room,.....
or have booking,........
一個係佢上咗大陸做嘢 ,...... look at you,.... it is your fault? he just go to work.
我識咗第二個唔要佢............ and then you broke up with him,......
不過而家仲係好朋友 ........... that is good,... still a friend...............
另一個就係我識咗嗰個第二個嘞....... ai, if you still with the first one,... you might be real happy now.
good afternoon,...主任
actually i had sciatica .....
maybe,... but not sure yet til after the MRI
shit,... usa dont have good 跌打, also the problem was my "soft bone " leaking out,
and press it to the nerve.
I hope so la,.... but still have 10% chance to be on the wheel chair
i had a ct scan in hong kong already.......
actually it is not real bad,.... you know the pinch nerve
it is really annoying
time for me to take a shower, and go to bed
need to get up early tomorrow morning,.....ai....
goodnight Fian and 主任,
Thanks for your advice,....
and thanks fian's caring......