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I'm back...... I think you might go to get your steak
Tonight I had pretty good dishes,.....
we have shrimp, crab, fish and clam.......... etc
Very nice dinner,......
Time for me to go to sleep, chat with you tomorrow.
good evening to every online brother and fian
fain, how was your dinner last night?
Did your friend like it?  
I think he will like it,...japan's steak .
and the nice wine,.......
主任都無份, it is ok la,.... is not your birthday "ar ma"
maybe when your birthday coming up, she will cook
for another nice dinner for you.... ( maybe french style)
I am sure she get high already, after the wine ,.....
today is my term to be the first one to say good morning class
good morning 主任 and Fian
I think fian will be late today or have day off.
Time for me to cook dinner for myself tonight,...........
talk to you guys soon.
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-12 10:22 AM
I made baked "pork chok rice"
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-12 11:33 AM
make one more set,..... I will be there
Good afternoon Kinglong 698486
今日你開檔 698487
個 trip 仲有幾耐呀, 悶唔悶呢 698488
主任 發表於 2009-7-12 01:03 PM
This trip will be 6 month at least,....... so hope to see you next time
when I was in HK
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-12 11:30 AM
last night we had about 3 bottles of the wine and 1 bottle of the desert wine with my friend at my house.
Because he dont want to drink it at home because of his kids were there,...... but very nice.
By the way, did you surprise that i call you on yesterday?
嘩 ~~~ 6 個月..... 大 project 嚟架??
我無諗過出 trip 要出成 6 個月咁耐 698496
主任 發表於 2009-7-12 01:18 PM
maybe even more,..... i dont know yet.
But I will found out on Monday, I might come back for 3 days only.