Maoge99:you forgot one thing,in MANCHESTER more people like city most MANUTD, I know
MAN UTD is most funs in England and world. in Manchester people hope blue win.
MAN CITY 5/8 WIN MAN UTD 10/13 DRA ...
kampanchan 發表於 2010-4-14 01:42 PM  kampung仔,你的英文我看不明白,对不起。。太深奥了。。
in MANCHESTER more people like city most MANUTD <= 我尽力了。。还是不明所以。。
MAN UTD is most funs in England and world <== 是指曼联在英格兰和世界上最有趣的队伍吗??
不好意思不好意思。。本人不才。。希望kampung仔大大多多包涵。。 |