The NBA's Top 10: Why Kobe Is Still the Best, and Who Could Join LeBron in 2010 NBA十大球员&&为什么科比还是NO.1&&2010年谁会得到皇帝

As a fan of the Nets and Knicks,I'm used to watching average-to-poor players contribute to losses on anear-nightly basis (though the Knicks have picked it up of late). Thatbeing said, it's fun to play the "what if?" game, dreaming of rootingfor better teams with better players. 我作为一名网队和尼克斯的球迷,我习惯于几乎每一晚都看着一批普通水平的球员一直在输比赛(但是尼克斯近来已经有好转了)。话虽是这样说,但是有趣的是可以YY下“要是…怎么样?”渴望成为拥有更好的球员的更好的球队。 Well,there's a chance—though I'll always be skeptical—that my dreams couldcome true this offseason, when both of my teams will have the cap spacenecessary to land at least oneof superstars on the open market. All of this discussion and analysisof the 2010 free agent class has led me to ask the following question:Where do these players rank in the grand scheme of the NBA? 好吧,机会总是会有的,虽然我总是抱怀疑态度,但是我的梦想或许在这个休赛期可以成真,那时我最喜爱的这两支球队都能腾出足够大的工资空间来从球员市场引进至少一名超级巨星。关于2010自由球员市场的讨论和分析让我想问下下面这个问题:这些球员在NBA宏伟计划中分属什么档次呢? The answers are in the following list... 答案就是下面这个榜单:… Honorable Mentions (In No Particular Order) 荣誉提名(排名不分先后) Chris Bosh, PF/C, Toronto Raptors (Free Agent) 多伦多猛龙-克里斯波什—大前锋/中锋(自由球员) Danny Granger, SF, Indiana Pacers 印第安纳步行者-丹尼格兰杰-小前锋 Joe Johnson, SG, Atlanta Hawks (Free Agent) 亚特兰大老鹰-乔约翰逊-得分后卫(自由球员) Brandon Roy, SG, Portland Trail Blazers 波特兰开拓者-布兰顿罗伊-得分后卫 Steve Nash, PG, Phoenix Suns 菲尼克斯太阳-史提芬纳什-控球后卫 The Top 10 前十名 10. Kevin Durant, SG/SF, Oklahoma City Thunder 10.奥克拉荷马雷霆-凯文杜兰特-得分后卫/小前锋 Itwas a tough call between Durant and Nash for this final spot. Neitherare exceptional defensive players, and they have completely differentoffensive styles. This one's really a coin flip, and it becomes amatter of personal preference. 在这第十名位置上,在杜兰特和纳什之间真是很难抉择,两者都不说非常出色的防守者,而进攻风格俩人又是截然不同。这最后一名真的是得抛硬币决定出来的,而最后的结果则是跟个人喜好很大关系了。 I'mgoing with Durant because he's much younger than the former two-timeMVP, and yet he's already one of the most prolific scorers in the game.KD is third in the league in points per game at the moment, this comingafter an exceptional breakout season in '08-09. 我会选择杜兰特是因为他比2届MVP得主纳什年轻得多,而且他已经成为篮球场上最能得分的其中一名球员,目前杜兰特在场均得分板位列第三名,而08-09赛季他拥有强势爆发的表现。 He'slean, lanky, and long, and he uses those traits to his advantage as anelusive and versatile scorer. Durant has also increased hisaggressiveness in the rebounding and defensive departments, making himbetter equipped to contribute to the development of a winning culturein Oklahoma City. Winning players execute on both ends of the court,and Durant has become more aware of that fact in his third NBA season. 他是又高又瘦的,而他也把那些特点变成优势成为让人捉摸不定又多手段的得分手。杜兰特在篮板和防守方面也变得更强,这让他更好地胜任奥克拉荷马市的发展大业。攻防两端均能发挥出色的球员才是有说服力的人,而三年级的杜兰特也越来越能认识到这个事实。 His unselfishness isn't quite there, nor is his defense (yet), which keeps him from being higher on the list. 他还不能做到足够的无私,防守端也未到火候,这就让他未能爬到本榜单更高位置的原因。 9. Deron Williams, PG, Utah Jazz 9.犹他爵士-德隆威廉姆斯-控球后卫 Whenhe was drafted in the lottery a handful of years back, I wondered if hewas capable of being a starting point guard at basketball's highestlevel. He shared the ball with Dee Brown and Luther Head at Illinois,something that—for me—concealed some of his incredible skills as afloor general. 当几年前他在乐透区被选中时,我怀疑他能否胜任作为在篮球最高殿堂的一名合格的先发控卫,在伊利诺斯州时他得与迪·布朗,卢瑟·海德等人共享机会,而这某种程度上,对于我来说,隐藏了他作为球场指挥官的那不可思议的才能。 TheNBA scouts knew better than I, though, and the Jazz ended up with aperfectly rounded point guard. Offensively, there's nothing Deron can't do.He's a fantastic perimeter shooter with excellent form and goodconsistency. In distribution, he passes equally as well off the dribbleas from a standstill. 然而NBA的球探们比我更了解他,爵士最终找到了一个完美全面的控球后卫。进攻上,没有德隆做不到的事情。他是一名很出色的外线射手,拥有优越的身体条件和很好的稳定性。而在分球方面,无论是静止中还是运球中他都能做得一样好。 Statistically,he is second in assists per game, behind only Nash, and Williams is amore youthful, physical, and explosive player at this stage in theirrespective careers. D-Will can create the big play for you but is alsowilling to take—and make—the big shot.
8. Dwight Howard, PF/C, Orlando Magic 8.奥兰多魔术-德怀特霍华德-大前锋/中锋 "Superman" is one of the premier two-way players in the world, and he should behigher on this list. The reason he's being punished is that he's shownlittle-to-no improvement in his individual offensive game, somethingthat could hinder the Magic down the line. “超人”他是世界上攻防两端都最好的其中一名球员,他本应能排到更前的位置。他会沦落到这个位置就是因为他在个人进攻水平上几乎毫无提高,而这恰恰能完全地阻碍魔术的表现。 The great big men of the past two decades—Shaquille O'Neal,Hakeem Olajuwon, Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, David Robinson, PatrickEwing, etc.—were all the go-to-guys for their teams (in their primes).Howard has been unable to be that type of big man because of his subparfree throw shooting and unrefined offensive repertoire. Last year, downthe stretch, the ball was in the hands of Hedo Turkoglu or RashardLewis; now it's Vince Carter and Lewis. 在过去二十年间那些伟大的高个子球员,如奥尼尔,奥拉朱旺,邓肯,加内特,罗宾逊,尤因等人,他们全都是球队在关键时刻会把球交给他们的人物(在他们黄金时期),而魔兽就不能算那种类型的大个子,因为他那不及格的罚球还有未精炼的进攻技巧。上个赛季,每当比赛打到最后时刻,球往往都是在特科格鲁和刘易斯手上,而如今,球是掌握在卡特和刘易斯手中。 Until Howard shows the commitment and ability to be The Man, I can't have him any higher than the eight-spot.
7. Tim Duncan, PF/C, San Antonio Spurs 7.圣安东尼奥马刺-蒂姆邓肯-大前锋/中锋 Speakof the Devil—here's a big man you can go to with the game on the line.Sure Howard has the advantage in youth and athleticism, but "The BigFundamental" has every post move in the book, and he's also a solidface-up shooter. If and when Howard's arsenal resembles Duncan's, he'llthen be the kind of player who can carry his team to NBA championships.Whether or not that day will come, we'll have to wait and see. 谈到魔鬼级人物,他就是某种方式上你能托付的大个子。当然,霍华德的优势是年轻和动力,但是这位“基本功大师”的武功秘笈里有着每一种的低位打法,而他还是一名可靠的正面投手。假如魔兽的兵器谱能像邓肯的话,那么他就能成为那种可以带领球队夺得总冠军的人物。无论那一天能否到来,我们拭目以待吧。 Gettingback to Duncan, his basketball IQ is off the charts. He has thechampionship rings, and he's been in every possible high-pressuresituation you could imagine, so he knows how to make the correct playat critical stages of the game. The value of that ability isimmeasurable. Timmy is equally as intelligent defensively as he is offensively. 回到邓肯身上,他的篮球智商是无与伦比的。他拥有几个总冠军戒指,而且他经历过任何你能想象得到的高压力的情况,所以他知道如何在比赛关键时刻做出正确的决定。那种能力的价值是无法估量的。邓肯他在攻防两端都是一样地明智。 And he's still got it, averaging 19 points and 11 rebounds per game this season. 他还在,他还没退出舞台,本赛季场均19分和11个篮板。
6. Carmelo Anthony, SF, Denver Nuggets 6.丹佛掘金-卡梅隆安东尼-小前锋 Here'sa player who is currently taking his game to the next level. 'Melo isleading the NBA in scoring while shooting 48 percent from the floor.Talk about efficiency. 眼下这名球员仍能将水平一直提升到更高级别,甜瓜目前领衔联盟得分板,场均命中率为48%,看看这效率吧。 WithJ.R. Smith suspended for the first seven games of the year, 'Melo knewhe'd have to be more aggressive offensively to pick up the slack.Already one of the game's most well-rounded scorers, 'Melo found a wayto increase the volume of his shooting while maintaining a high qualityof attempt. That's an extremely difficult balance to achieve. 由于JR斯密斯在本赛季前7场比赛遭禁赛,甜瓜知道他得在进攻上变得更积极来弥补空缺。他本身已经是篮球场上得分手段最多的球员之一,他还能在找到方法在增加投篮次数的情况下保持高效率,那是相当难达到的一种境界。 Now,with J.R. back, 'Melo has continued his high-percentage play and hasbeen able to facilitate offense for his teammates in the process. 如今,JR已经回来了,甜瓜继续他的高效率表现,而且他能从中为队友制造进攻机会。 Aftera strong '08-09 campaign, the Nuggets are again looking like an eliteteam. If they can keep it together, Mr. Anthony will be an interestingMVP candidate.
5. Dirk Nowitzki, PF, Dallas Mavericks (Free Agent) 5.达拉斯小牛-德克诺维斯基-大前锋(自由球员) Themodel of consistency. We expect a certain level of production from thisguy each and every year, and he delivers...and then some. Nowitzki isaveraging 27 points and 8.5 rebounds per game, while the Mavs havestormed back near the top of the Western Conference after a couple ofmediocre seasons. 他是“稳定”的代表人物。我们每个赛季都能看到这个家伙总能做出某种级别的表现,他总是能做到。他目前场均得到27分和8.5个篮板,而小牛也在几个平淡无奇的赛季之后突然又回到了西部顶尖的行列之中。 Simplyput, Nowitzki is a freak. A seven-footer with a stunning shootingstroke and superb overall ball skills. We see big fellas like Shaq andHoward struggling at the foul line, and yet there's Nowitzki, strokingit (and making it look easy) from behind the three-point arc. 简单点来说,诺维斯基就是个怪咖。一个7尺的球员拥有一手出色的投篮还有极好的全面篮球技术。我们看看像奥尼尔和霍华德这种高个子在罚球线上苦苦挣扎,而再来瞧瞧德克吧,他总是能在三分线外“唰唰”地把球命中。 SureNowitzki's never won a championship, but he does have a WesternConference title under his belt, and he's made his fair share of bigshots the past few years. Coach Rick Carlisle can go to him with hisback to the basket in the post or facing up and driving right from justinside the top of the key. 没错,他的确没有赢过总冠军,但是他拥有一个西部冠军头衔,而近些年来他也出现过不少关键时刻的力挽狂澜。里克·卡莱尔教练可以放心把球交给他,诺维斯基可以在低位背身单打,他也可以面对防守者,从外线突入篮下。 The only way to stop Dirk is a hard double-team; otherwise, you have to cross your fingers and hope he misses. 唯一能够阻止他的办法就是采取坚实的双人包夹,然后你就只能十指紧扣祈祷他把球投失吧。 He doesn't too often. 然而,祈祷总是无法在身上奏效。
4. Chris Paul, PG, New Orleans Hornets 4.新奥尔良黄蜂-克里斯保罗-控球后卫 Becauseof his injury hiatus, CP3 isn't qualified for the statistical leadersat the moment. No need to punish him for that, as this list isn'tentirely based upon the current season (if you haven't already noticed). 由于他之前因伤缺阵,所以目前他的数据无法达到最高水平。但没必要因此而忽视他,因为这个榜单不完全根据于本赛季的表现(谨以此提醒) Weall know he's the premier point guard in the league, a lightning-rodwho finds the perfect balance of distribution and scoring. CP3 utilizesthe mid-range game as well, or better, than anyone else in the NBA. Heuses his fantastic ball-handling ability to break down the initialdefender, then steps inside the three-point stripe and pulls up foreasy jumpers. 我们都知道他是联盟中最好的控球后卫,他总能在传球和得分之间找到最完美的平衡点。CP3的中距离投篮水平很高,甚至可以比联盟任何人都要高。他利用极其了不起的控球技术先跨过第一个防守者的防线,之后他踩进三分线内,轻松地把球投中。 Whenit comes to passing, he has no weaknesses. His greatest strength isfastbreak distribution, and it makes you wonder why the Hornets aren'ta true run-and-gun offensive team. (Perhaps because they don't have theappropriate surrounding personnel). Regardless, there's no one slickerwith the ball in their hands, and CP3 is an incredibly valuabledefensive player as well. 谈到传球方面,他没有任何缺点。他最大的优点就是快攻时的分球,而那会让你疑惑为何黄蜂队不是一支真正意义上的炮轰球队。(可能是因为他们没有合适的角色人物吧)不管怎样,黄蜂队里没有哪一个是粘球者,CP3同时也是一名极珍贵的防守球员。 3. Dwyane Wade, SG, Miami Heat (Free Agent) 3.迈阿密热队-德怀恩韦德-得分后卫(自由球员) D-Wadeis probably cemented in this position in people's lists throughout thecountry. This is what happens when you play in the era of Kobe andLeBron—you're a nearly unstoppable two-way player with a championshipring already in your possession, and you're third on the list. 韦德在这个位置很可能在全国人民眼中都是根深蒂固了,那也没办法,谁让你处于科比詹姆斯的时代呢,韦德在攻防两端几乎都是无人可挡的球员,而且他还拥有一枚总冠军戒指,然而,你始终只能是第三。 Ouch. 悲剧呀! Butif LeBron doesn't get a ring sometime within the next handful ofseasons, and Wade continues his all-world level of play, things maybegin to change in the minds of the public. To some extent, I'm surethe fates of these two superstars will be determined by their decisionsin free agency. Could they end up together? 但是如果詹姆斯在接下来的若干赛季里始终无法夺得总冠军,而韦德则继续他全面发挥的表现,那么公众的想法也许会开始改变。某种程度上,我肯定这两位超级巨星的命运将会决定于他们在自由球员市场的决定。他们最终能走到一起吗? Nahhhhh. No wayyy. 没门!!! Wait...could they? 有门吗? 2. LeBron James, SF, Cleveland Cavaliers (Free Agent) 2.克里夫兰骑士-勒布朗詹姆斯-小前锋(自由球员)
Kobe Bryant, SG, Los Angeles Lakers 2.洛杉矶湖人-科比布莱恩特-得分后卫
Andddcue the never-ending debate. I've had the Kobe-LeBron discussion abizillion times already in my life, and something tells me I'll behaving it again for the remainder of this week. Like the Nash-Durantsituation at the beginning of this post, it's a matter of personalpreference. 搬出这永无停止的讨论。我这一生已经经历了无法统计多次数的关于科比-詹姆斯的争论,而我猜测接下来这个星期我又得与人辩论这个话题了。就像这文章开头那纳什与杜兰特的情况,这问题的关键就是个人偏好了。 Here's how it usually goes (the italics are me): 通常这个话题都是像下面那样子:(斜体字为本人观点) LeBron has the better all-around individual statistics. 詹姆斯的个人数据更好更全面。 Kobe has four championship rings, LeBron hasn't won a single championship GAME. 科比拥有4枚总冠军戒指,而詹姆斯连一场总决赛都未曾赢过。 LeBron hasn't been playing as long. 詹姆斯还没打那么长的时间。 Last year was his sixth season in the NBA; he's had his opportunities. 上赛季已经是他踏入NBA的第六年,机会总会有吧。 LeBron is younger, stronger, and better at getting to the rim. 詹姆斯更年轻,更强壮,更能杀入篮下。 Kobe is a far superior perimeter shooter, particularly at the end of games. 科比比起詹姆斯有着远要好的外线投篮,特别是在比赛最后时刻。 LeBron is a better passer. 詹姆斯的传球更好。 Maybe. I can't argue with the numbers, but Kobe's been an excellent passer in the postseason. 也许吧。我不会不理数据。但是科比在季后赛时也是非常优秀的传球手。 LeBronis a freak of nature; there's never been anyone like him. Possibly themost gifted athlete in the history of the universe. 詹姆斯是大自然的怪物,从未出现过这类人物。他很可能是全宇宙有史以来最有天赋的运动员。 Kobe's easily the closest to Jordan, as far as position, style of play, mannerisms, demeanor, and level of success. 科比很可能是最接近那个神的人物,无论是从位置,打球风格,言谈举止,态度,还是成就他都是最接近乔丹的。 ...And so on. 还有很多很多很多很多很多很多… Really what it comes down to is that Kobe has proven that he can carry a team to a championship. He's proven thathe can perform at his best when the pressure is at its highest possiblelevel. And the best part is he's still an absolute beast. He's notshowing any signs of slowing down. 实际上归结起来关键就是科比已经证明他能够带领一支球队夺得总冠军。他已经证明他能在可能存在的最高级别的压力下发挥他的最佳水平。而最大的原因就是他仍然是绝对是凶狠的黑曼巴,他没有呈现出任何衰退的迹象。 As far as championships go, LeBron will have to get started...before he even has the chance to slow down. 至于总冠军方面,詹姆斯得开始努力奋斗了,要赶在他衰退之前完成了… |