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叮.. ^^
隔離王師奶, 又几好听wow..
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-20 11:02 PM 發表
me was very pity lah............T_T..........
快 d 諗下你入我地 family 做咩 post 啦!
where u go...??
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-20 11:05 PM 發表
隔離王師奶, 又几好听wow..
u head lah...................[-X
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-20 10:58 AM 發表


u this 2 husbands and wives..........
me nothing to say edi lah..........
help me.................................. ...
how can i help you? ;P
看著你是種享受 擁有你更是感動
who go??
原帖由 luvsnow 於 2006-9-20 11:06 PM 發表

快 d 諗下你入我地 family 做咩 post 啦!
me also dont know want to do what position lah..............
me no idea lah......
all the post also got ppl edi lah............
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-20 11:10 PM 發表

me also dont know want to do what position lah..............
me no idea lah......
all the post also got ppl edi lah............
不如就做鄰居啦~ ;P
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-9-20 11:08 PM 發表

how can i help you? ;P
u help me to shoot them loh...............
:-"  think urself la..
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-20 11:09 PM 發表
who go??
is u say go out a while mah.......
then me ask u go where loh.......
原帖由 luvsnow 於 2006-9-20 11:11 PM 發表

不如就做鄰居啦~ ;P
dont want.........................[-X
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-20 11:12 PM 發表
:-"  think urself la..
u talk to who....??
shoot us?? :-O
2morrow no need come to work again la.. ;P