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原帖由 danewin 於 2006-9-17 10:42 PM 發表

<:-P =D>  haha
u not good loh..........
me lose many money lah.................^:)^
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-9-17 10:44 PM 發表

u ask him to get money back law, ;))

how much did u bet?
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-17 10:44 AM 發表

u not good loh..........
me lose many money lah.................^:)^
^:)^  then go there and dl 2 songs to listen la, will feel better, >:D<


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原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-17 10:45 AM 發表

:-O  u lost all money that you won from 六合彩 ? [-X
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y u bet liverpoor?
i didnt think liv will win... i bet them bcos 面子关系
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-9-17 10:46 PM 發表

^:)^  then go there and dl 2 songs to listen la, will feel better, >:D<


no money to buy song edi lah..................:Q :'(
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-17 10:47 AM 發表
y u bet liverpoor?
i didnt think liv will win... i bet them bcos 面子关系
;P  you hurt him already, hurry up to give $$ back to him la, ;))
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terry.. allor win ur 20万
顶.. i lose v v much leh...
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-17 10:48 AM 發表

no money to buy song edi lah..................:Q :'(
when u reply it, it will give you back $1 la, >:D<
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that ppl very bad lah.........
me so trush him, buy he say like this...................
cause me hope liverpool will 爆冷。。。。。。
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-17 10:51 AM 發表
that ppl very bad lah.........
me so trush him, buy he say like this...................
cause me hope liverpool will 爆冷。。。。。。
;P, he always like that
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原帖由 danewin 於 2006-9-17 10:49 PM 發表

when u reply it, it will give you back $1 la, >:D<
haha, ya lah, i know lah, just lazy to do it lah..........
later lah, cause now me at my fren house.........
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-17 10:52 AM 發表

haha, ya lah, i know lah, just lazy to do it lah..........
later lah, cause now me at my fren house.........
your friend's home? what is your time over there ar?
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原帖由 danewin 於 2006-9-17 10:52 PM 發表

;P, he always like that
ya loh, this kind of fren cant trush de lah................