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-錢仙~ 筆仙~ 蝶仙~ 筷仙-os.tvboxnow.com( X! b) [5 m2 Z% k% e

" O' n$ a  ~1 L: N3 t2 @. c9 _1 C公仔箱論壇錢仙:使用錢來玩(惡鬼)
- J2 p& q( w4 p8 ]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb筆仙:使用筆來玩(普通)
: {6 s, T9 f/ g' N- t4 Z' Q蝶仙:使用碟來玩(厲鬼)
% B. Z4 Z, R9 G5 t: e+ Q6 [9 I

4 s8 w+ p; x3 r1 @
8 `0 x% m, T+ L/ Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb錢仙玩法:
公仔箱論壇& w. z7 Y9 ~+ ?0 |) }5 w4 U* s
很簡單準備:筆.大張白紙.10元硬幣tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) c, Z, G' b4 G3 A3 `) F/ e- t
" t7 w8 K- O. u3 D4 L$ d8 S- sTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。比如男.女.注音.神.仙.鬼.死.活.你.我.他.討厭.喜歡.數字或是寫上一些姓氏等字os.tvboxnow.com6 D0 d5 ]5 |# ^' V

! g' y. }+ y  R9 k公仔箱論壇碟仙玩法:
+ L( H6 [; u7 O+ M  a+ c
: h; j( ]- a% ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb(1).請神黃紙一張、
, [/ Z( h8 F! w% ]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb(2).白色蠟燭一支、os.tvboxnow.com2 n$ d/ [& P! j1 ]: ]- v
, Q& B. a7 ~5 D2 sos.tvboxnow.com(4).一畫有紅色箭頭的瓷製碟子。4 W& N* ~4 L5 m9 K3 y6 i
5 T7 a; E0 v+ I' E. C7 g材料很簡單,只須找來一黃色紙張,再在它上面填滿中國字。
. g& N/ t' [" z9 Ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb填些什麼字呢?比方說:數字、百家姓、相對詞等等。
5 a2 a! R, J, h6 n3 Z5 U3 J開壇前先向四方燒香膜拜,碟子亦要拜祭因為待會它就會化為碟仙的眼睛和手指了。
: a" x9 ]/ c+ z- K5 Y; d) |公仔箱論壇
" a! k* P' A9 d  K1 x9 }公仔箱論壇儀式很簡單:tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) t6 q! {2 L+ ^0 R+ [: [
先點上蠟燭,- J. U, ^( U1 P- }) o4 m6 K
然後將碟子倒擺在黃紙中央的圓上,os.tvboxnow.com9 M& T2 T% w: b  S% m& ?0 h, f
' u# P+ R: R4 @% ]TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。嘴巴念著「碟仙、碟仙請出壇」,
3 o' f# H, _$ \# D- c7 o8 R等到碟仙離開圓圈,公仔箱論壇( ~9 A' O5 U2 i% ]
開始繞圈時,0 t% x* e& G' e+ ~2 U% g9 ]
方可開始問問題。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 ]$ X! i' v0 d  ]! h; i. H  A1 W
通常第一句要問的問題並不是什麼而是這一句 :
/ K- Q% r( a8 l4 w: f) z; s3 etvb now,tvbnow,bttvb「你是神是鬼?」,「鬼」碟子的箭頭則會指著紙上的鬼字(神仙邊有咁得閒呀! )。公仔箱論壇* D8 v  W9 W% I
' Z3 }& @8 [2 jos.tvboxnow.com請了鬼上來自然要負責送它走了,os.tvboxnow.com5 M2 {8 S* O) Y2 r& p% r; |" `
0 z9 x, Q& d% u7 H碟子便會自動歸壇了

# G( e1 `  w# ^3 i公仔箱論壇
/ J4 i! f, H, ?5 b: [# F筆仙玩法:
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 z# Q9 _& ^1 p; b7 a( H
空白紙一張公仔箱論壇- Q" {) I! l4 W1 M7 B" K* o
準備一支木製筆桿的毛筆和墨汁* Q; [6 l, ^& L6 z7 @
先在紙上的正中央畫上邊長2公分的正方形tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, F  h- s& G5 c# h8 V( w3 N
, z/ U) J  m( g. U# a) o公仔箱論壇然後在正方形的四周距離5公分的地方標上”東南西北”四個字tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 s. S% l' u0 S- v0 c4 S
接著在紙上的左上角寫”一二三四五六七八九零”國字; A' S/ I+ r# W4 `. A( c0 S0 H3 g
9 ^5 H+ I& `8 z- D在正方形的東方,距離4公分的地方寫”會””不會”
* f3 K; V! l) A; O1 k; J/ a# S- Kos.tvboxnow.com在正方形的西方,距離4公分的地方寫”是””不是”
  C# @8 K5 s% x# L公仔箱論壇在正方形的北方,距離4公分的地方寫”好””不好”
9 T$ V% N, S/ L' P. ~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb再來寫生肖跟天干地支公仔箱論壇# ~; t) p0 r  _. I  s

+ ~  N+ ]/ y5 v% j請筆仙的人:2名tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; x) @/ r/ y% k- Y$ g9 d( C7 W
手輕輕握住筆桿不施力,筆尖點在正中央上的小點上0 R+ ^! Z- Y5 B. ^: |
) ~% g; X- n7 `6 @. g6 Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb唸到筆走出正方形框框外面就可以問你心中的疑問tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% r9 T/ \, m& F" q# w* _# Y
在請筆仙的過程中不能鬆手和重壓筆尖TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。6 }+ t9 i4 t- z0 o( p7 e
6 z; k3 R& b) S4 T. C2 L: q( ~4 a, J公仔箱論壇唸到筆仙回到正中央上的小點上
6 y) _+ [- ?/ d5 m6 ^# L3 J最後把那紙撕碎丟棄tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ @. q! w$ R9 t8 a
( C3 k7 J  S" D0 {) W準備一杯的米點3根香
' V  q; n/ O9 j6 ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb準備新鮮水果祭拜並準備一些紙錢燒給筆仙已示感謝

. X2 z1 V9 r8 F. C1 @7 }! w/ }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
' v; F' X  g( w+ Otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb筷仙玩法:無資料,新出的

  B6 M5 p1 {! q; y- O  Mos.tvboxnow.com& k6 A1 x* V: }
所謂「請鬼容易送鬼難」,任何一種仙都有它的危險性存在,知還知,玩就要三思啦!os.tvboxnow.com; ^  I  A6 h5 a: o# [
5 Y+ o9 V# F. h9 M" W1 Ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
thx for sharing, scare, i never try
i haveall  play before , very恐怖
who got tried before here ?
驚驚~~ 唔敢玩~~
Ouiji boards are very dangerous coz it is calling out to the spirits and souls from a different side of the world!!
7 s: \; f/ x! B+ pos.tvboxnow.comonce you have opened the doors of darkness , sometimes it can not be closed again!!
3 l0 G( P# J4 wTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
/ Y6 P* `* d+ _& e9 z  g4 G( rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbnot every one can call out to the spirits from the different side of the world even if you have followed all these instructions, which means it really depends if you got the luck and strength to call them out~公仔箱論壇' Q! z' S& _4 k  P; N( U% t! @' g8 N
once you have called out the spirits from the different side of the world, you can not stop until it has ended otherwise some thing really bad can really happen!!!
7 b/ s' |; _) X" h. c, Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇& i8 h3 C" [; F; j9 ^8 d  B: ?
To be honest...I really don’t want anyone to play these Ouiji boards......but since its posted here and any one of you guys can try it out......its really not my business if you could call out to the spirits……lets just say……if you cant handle them……you might end up dying……if you are really unlucky~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! E5 t  U- u7 b. W

- Y2 L6 J+ h2 vTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。One of my friends played it too just a few days after I did…and he let go of the pen…and at that afternoon , he got sent to the hospital and was there for a few weeks…luckily he was alright!!

回復第 10 帖由 -DaRReN-C- 所發的帖子

I have played 筆仙 twice!! It was when I didn’t know much about them and played it for fun!!
3 N3 r4 l# ]) v9 iThe first time I played it was when I 13 years old and I played it in school~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' R4 D  h4 w! K1 ^. h) y$ ^$ X
I had a free lesson so me and my friend wendy just wanted to mess around and decided to play 筆仙 coz it was on a magazine!!
/ ~: F* ^$ N$ h# M' ]8 x& ]TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。we held on to the pen for at least 5minutes to actually get it to move by it self…
5 h0 j- e4 y* e2 l公仔箱論壇While the pen was moving…me and wendy asked questions and the pen moved to the answers… about 5minutes later while the pen was still moving…wendy told it to go faster and just then…the pen started going round in circles!! Round and round and it went off the piece of paper like it was out of control!! So we had to move the piece of paper back under the pen and tell it to go back to the finish box!!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) e& I4 r" w6 s
When the pen had stop for sure , my teacher got hold of the piece of paper and tear it apart and me and wendy got sent out of the class room.公仔箱論壇  r4 W' h+ O! t1 f% ?/ M
the teacher started asking us two if we knew what to do and asked where we got the idea of the game. We told the teacher that we read it off a book then he told us to go back in and not to tell any one how to play it because there were these girls in the class who were watching. And the next day…my head of year (like a head teacher) told me and wendy to go to his room and asked us those questions again about where we got the game from!! And my head of year told us not to play it ever again!!
& F( N% Q: o' C6 `; RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 t6 T2 C; W% x( x8 X: \
The second time when I played it was when I was 14 , just last year and I played it in a lesson where the room was dark coz it was a free lesson and the other people in the class was watching a movie~ this time…I was playing 筆仙 with another friend and she is called Yan~ As we were holding on to the pen , a friend called Mia told me and Yan not to look at the pen and look away in case we were cheating!! We waited for a very long time to get the pen to start moving!! It was at least 10 minutes!! As the pen moved slowly out of the start box…it moved back into the start box…so we had to call it back again…the pen went out and went back in to the start box a few times…and after a few times…I told it to go to the finish box…and while it was going to the finish box…I started asking questions and as I asked questions , a cool breeze of wind blew from behind me as if there was another person next to us!! And the pen became really heavy and making difficulty for me to keep my hand on the pen coz my hand was really tired and started aching + the pen was heavy!! Then when I couldn’t hold on to the pen any longer , I had to tell the pen to go back to the finish box!! When it went into the finish box, the pen was normal again…it wasn’t heavy any more and there wasn’t a cool breeze of wind…
while you are playing , that is if any one of you`s are dare to,  never ask :
, ]  P& ]% O. n% h: F( D) {. t6 @1 Atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* when you are going to dieos.tvboxnow.com/ q" ~) X$ `7 b* g
* how you will die6 G2 b" n3 L. ^# j
* dont ask what the spirit is called
" N- X& V' o7 w! o8 q0 m: Yos.tvboxnow.com* how they died
8 k8 E8 x1 t; l  \: \* when they diedos.tvboxnow.com- x( M. y0 |- J' Y4 Z" o, q
* ect... questions about that la~公仔箱論壇( l8 Q  `% u7 [
os.tvboxnow.com8 Z5 Q6 }; ^+ ]: S1 u0 h, A% Y' b
one of my friends played 蝶仙 and she asked "how did you die"os.tvboxnow.com) K) w3 I' b4 g' m0 x
and that soul replied "do you want to try" >_<
有甘ge麽!劲啊!Thank you!