聯合國與世界銀行警告:氣候臨界點近了 Global Changes Already Under way... 人类不断的发展。。。把高楼一个个起到像巴别塔。。。





A crystalline iceberg drifts in Columbia Bay near Valdez, Alaska. The source of this iceberg, the Columbia Glacier, has lost more than 10 miles (16 kilometers) of ice since 1984.
In May 2007, members of the ongoing Extreme Ice Survey,including founder James Balog, were setting up cameras at ColumbiaGlacier when they witnessed one of the largest glacial calving eventsever seen. A similar event filmed later at Greenland's JakobshavnGlacier made the one at Columbia look small.

Over a 35-day period from January 31 to March 7, 2002, Antarctica's Larsen B ice shelf lost a total of about 1,255 square miles (3,250 square kilometers), one of the largest shelf retreats ever recorded.This image, captured by NASA's MODIS satellite sensor on February 23,shows the shelf mid-disintegration, spewing a cloud of icebergs adriftin the Weddell Sea. In December 2007, a team of National Geographicexplorers will begin a five-week expedition across the continent'sLarsen ice shelf to study how global warming is changing the topographyof Antarctica.

Low-growing tundra vegetation displays fall colors in California's Kings Canyon National Park. Alpine tundras exist worldwide at altitudes above the mountain treeline.
Photograph by Rich Reid

Bare rock and meltwater pools mark the edge of the shrinking Harrison Glacier in Montana's Glacier National Park. Of the 150 glaciers found in the park a century ago, only 27 remain. And scientists predict that by 2030, those will all be gone.
In 2008, photographer James Balog, founder of the Extreme Ice Survey,and several research colleagues will return to the 26 solar-poweredcameras they've installed at 16 glaciers worldwide to download thephotographs taken so far. Balog hopes to release some images to thepublic immediately.
Goodbye Glacier http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/04/090407-polar-melting-video-ap.html
Runoff from the Bockkogel Glacier in the Tirol region of Austriaplunges down a waterfall during the Alpine summer. Throughout the Alps,glaciers have been in decline for 150 years, a result of rising globaltemperatures. Most scientists who study the phenomenon attribute it inpart to greenhouse gases that humans have pumped into Earth'satmosphere.Retreating glaciers, rising seas, and shrinking lakes aresome of the global changes already under way.

Hunched against the elements, ecologist Bill Fraser counts Adéliepenguins. This colony dwindled from 320 breeding pairs to 54 between1990 and 2004. Average winter temperatures here have increased nearly 9degrees Fahrenheit over five decades, and sea ice has retreated by afifth since the mid-1970s, depriving Adélies of an important feedingplatform from which they hunt krill. "The Adélies are the canaries in the coal mine of climate change in the Antarctic," says Fraser.
One of the biggest mass whales beachings in Tasmania 需多无辜的生命及动物绝种了。。
200 pilot whales came ashore on King Island on Sundayevening, only 54 of which are still alive. Around 150 local people arehelping parks officials in trying to refloat the whales from aNaracoopa beach and shepherd them back to sea, where a large number ofwhales were still milling in a pod. By late Monday, 48 animals had beenreturned to the sea but rescuers had a new danger on their hands withfears that another pod of whales off the coast would also beachthemselves. The causes of strandings are still unknown, althoughscientists at the University of Tasmania have linked a peak in a windpattern cycle, which brings prey, with the frequency of stranding.
企鸸: 怎么冰块越来越小了? 快打电话给北极熊!!!问他发生什么事。。。
企鸸: 北极熊怎么冰块越来越小了? 北极熊: 都是人类咯!!!我自身难保阿!!!
Polar bears Norway's Hinlopen Strait—live on theArctic ice, hunting seals and other fatty marine mammals. But as theice vanishes, some experts predict this predator will also disappearfrom the Arctic by 2050.

是咯!!看我们不会防抗! 又拿棍bok我头抓我们来吃! 。。。。又搞破坏。。。。。

全球氣候變化 沒有一个國家可倖免。。。。人类也难逃一劫。。。。


原来还有生还者。。。。你别想逃看我 Megalodon 都是你们害的。。。。。哈哈!!!

聯合國與世界銀行警告:氣候臨界點近了。。。。。。。 |