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[轉貼] [國家地理][災難克星:爆炸威力][MP4][343M][英語/中字]

 ,  描述: Master Of Disaster : Blast Force By 3E帝國
灾难克星MASTER OF DISASTER   本系列节目将介绍科学家提姆赛玛拉斯(Tim Samaras),如何测量检验各种天灾人祸,包括巴士爆炸事件、大楼崩塌、雪崩、山区救难、龙卷风、冰雹和闪电。提姆赛玛拉斯和研究小组成员,在每集节目都面临新挑战,他们要设法测量雪崩的速度、恐怖炸弹的威力和致命闪电的频率。提姆将使用可靠科学工具,结合自行发明的测量法,了解并量化每起事件,希望藉此找出更佳的自保之道。

灾难克星: 爆炸威力MASTER OF DISASTER: BLAST FORCE   美国虽不曾发生自杀炸弹攻击事件,但所有专家一致认为美国所有城市随时可能遭遇这类攻击。若有公车遭炸弹攻击,不仅车上的乘客会丧命,公车外也将有多人死伤。美国当局因而想训练人员处理这类事件,以便能尽量拯救越多人的性命。提姆赛玛拉斯(Tim Samaras)和一群顶尖科学家要模拟恐怖的自杀炸弹攻击事件,然後搜集并分析试验的相关资料,制订可於将来拯救人命的紧急应变计画。

Although there has never been a suicide bus bomb blast in the United States, experts agree it could happen in any American city, at anytime. A bus bomb attack is a gruesome scene, not only killing people on the bus but also injuring and killing people outside the bus as well; a terrifying scenario that authorities in the United States want to train for so that they can effectively save as many lives as possible. Join master of disaster Tim Samaras and his team of top scientists as they scientifically re-create the "perfect" terrorist crime scene, analyze their unique blast data and develop ground breaking emergency response plans that could one day, help save lives.

[ 本帖最後由 Actnow06 於 2009-1-6 03:58 PM 編輯 ]
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thank Q very much  G
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