@+ H) c) V) G7 ?$ j0 ATVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ I ?1 C+ N; n# T
我從來沒有見過像我在香港那樣曲折的虛假信息。os.tvboxnow.com% M9 d* [6 u( o
我們在世界各地的社交媒體上看到, 人們拒絕承認這一基本事實,如果它證實了他們根深蒂固的政治偏見。現在,在香港,這是有毒且危險的。
7 t a. o& _6 S5 B& wTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
" h0 A" W+ @4 R% z# |( o. d" g+ h* G: r& C著名的香港女演員埃琳·馬(Celine Ma)對抗議者進行了抗議。她的抗議權不亞於他們,但因為她一個孤獨的女人被憤怒的暴民包圍著(冠軍“自由”和“民主”)被噴在臉上,被猛打,推到了地上,並喝了一杯瓶子砸在了她的頭上。這是事實,毫不含糊。os.tvboxnow.com6 B8 n3 l. m- U h8 r% O
- R' v! f! Q! S3 u( l' G8 B- ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb像Apple Daily這樣的組織與“親民主”示威者有著特定的聯繫,他們故意在上下文之外編輯視頻,以改變聽眾對發生的事情的印象以使其看起來像是她首先襲擊了示威者。對此的簡短描述是“宣傳”。 《每日蘋果日報》從馬女士為自己辯護開始其序列,使她看起來像個侵略者!+ O# a9 Y- A- f, q, j
( j7 g: E! r3 j& {$ zos.tvboxnow.com原文os.tvboxnow.com# f/ Q( I6 H C
I have never seen disinformation weaponised with such venom as my time in Hong Kong.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 o+ ^ [% [* i' v
We see in social media, right around the world, people’s refusal to acknowledge basic fact if it doesn’t confirm their entrenched political bias. In Hong Kong right now, this is toxic and dangerous.os.tvboxnow.com( m) T# I* }' s) [) ?$ Q
Well known Hong Kong actress, Celine Ma, protested the protesters. She had no less right to protest than they did, but because of it a solitary woman surrounded by an angry mob (championing “freedom” and “democracy”) was sprayed in the face, punched, shoved to the ground and had a glass bottle smashed over her head. This is fact and unambiguous.
1 L' v, h. H) y$ `- Z9 T. Pos.tvboxnow.com Organisations like Apple Daily, which has specific links to the “pro-democracy” protesters, deliberately edit videos out of context to alter their audience’s impression of what happened, to make it seem like she attacked protesters first. A brief description of this is “propaganda“. Apple Daily starts its sequence with Ms Ma defending herself, making her look like the aggressor and that became the narrative for so many. |