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[香港] 連登仔半天超標眾籌540萬 G20峰會期間全球登頭版廣告反送中!

( M/ a% f/ q  q/ t% E& E& d公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇0 Z$ E# c; Q* j- q  a9 l. S2 X7 g

3 E5 E' u% O- o0 x% s# R
6 @0 k( I( B: G- J# m0 R+ t" \- u二十國集團(G20)峰會即將於28、29日在日本大阪舉行,中國國家主席習近平和美國總統特朗普會在峰會上會晤,特朗普已表明會提出香港問題。有網民今早發起眾籌,計劃於峰會期間,在全球主要報章頭版刊登「反送中」廣告,希望各國讀者能游說他們的政府,在峰會上為香港發聲。眾籌目標原定是3百萬港元,但短短半天,有22060人捐款,超額籌得5,483,669港元,發起人已停止接受捐款。
7 x, r1 z$ U3 q1 `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇+ l) p# E, O$ g- ~1 a; @6 p& s* l
發起人是以Freedom Hongkonger名義,在眾籌網站GoGetFunding發起是次行動。發起人之一Andy接受眾新聞訪問時表示,一開始只是與其他網友構思有關想法,希望透過G20峰會和登報,為反送中運動出一分力,「成件事無大台,要追溯返連登,你一句我一句,先慢慢成事。」直到今早6時,眾籌網頁才正式運作,短短一個上午已達標。Andy又說,行動前已早作打算,若眾籌成效不彰的話,會將籌得的款項全數捐贈予反送中受傷被捕者人道支援基金,對於現時籌款進度,他說:「當初呢場運動,你見到物資從來唔缺」。
, n: G) F  r# h" z, W$ s4 Y2 @os.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇  r) H  |" Z/ }
; ]- Z' }+ l! e9 cTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: i4 J7 X/ D! U) Q( c# U
另外,Andy又說,現時以他所知最大筆捐款金額只是2萬元,沒有外國勢力介入可言,而團隊現時已找來黃之鋒負責監察工作,增加透明度。他指,籌款暫時不會重啟,會盡用在不同報章登廣告。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 O4 Q" H- C, z' s& @. Q

4 u1 E% l, m- ^* x9 W目前已確定刊登廣告的報章包括:《金融時報》美國版和亞洲版(27號,頭版右下角,12萬港元);《紐約時報》(28/29號,頭版全版,約93萬6千港元);日本《The Japan Times》(28號,第二版1/4版,約43,700元;29號第9版全版,約175,000元)。公仔箱論壇% h, s6 C$ P; V" ]% y1 J5 V9 I
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; m* R7 z4 F% x. k: X3 `

' p, r0 W; V; `! O: g0 ^  O# Z2 l; Vos.tvboxnow.com右下馬騮的位置,是將刊登「反送中」的廣告位置。照片來源: gogetfunding.com0 W( v, t; f9 I$ l4 j$ I

- H  r7 o. a* l( X, t1 N+ v8 `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbDear FT Readers,
* a1 `+ F6 S! K! F3 I1 Mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
7 [) l  M' K; u7 y8 N0 h' FTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。A white terror has descended upon Hong Kong. Our government has pushed a bill that would extradite "fugitives" in Hong Kong - citizens, foreigners and tourists alike - to China for alleged crimes. The G20 summit this Friday brings a truce; once it is over, our future is doomed, unless you help us now., J  I& p3 x0 I0 v
os.tvboxnow.com7 A* p& q# O/ S' X1 e) Z5 ~$ }
We feared these arbitrary "deportations". We shouted, to deaf ears. Lawyers, chambers of commerce, and millions of us were all rubbished by chief executive Carrie Lam. Without a choice, we surrounded the legislature peacefully. A violent crackdown followed. Defenceless protesters and journalists were beaten, tear gassed, and even headshot. The injured were arrested in hospitals and charged for "rioting".tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; y& a, ]$ C( `  l
os.tvboxnow.com1 T9 j3 _" f* l7 I
This mini-Tiananmen did not move Lam. The EU condemned the Bill; Amnesty International found the police excessive; US senators mulled sanctions. Nevertheless, Lam declined to withdraw the bill. The bill is on hold now, but more arrests and crackdown may come, as the Trump-Xi meeting ends and attention shifts. Our people are at risk of miscarriage of justice. If Lam truly wants to restore our trust, she just needs to meet our three humble demands:' K( o/ t4 t4 \: o
! P' x2 J" O7 F9 ]
Release of peaceful protesters;
0 a, Z1 S) Q7 P) o1 I3 M! qTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Independent investigation into police brutality;公仔箱論壇# ^' }7 ~6 R+ n8 f& c8 r
Complete withdrawal of the bill.( m; }% c& H6 Y

: g9 C7 ]% G/ I3 T- M3 J公仔箱論壇Sadly, she won't listen to us. We now need your support: get our voices heard at your governments and consulates; let freedom prevail at the upcoming G20 summit and beyond. We can be saved, if you act now.
0 ?* J4 v* m* I6 h
2 j3 B6 s" k" o0 c) y/ V$ Sos.tvboxnow.comYours truly,
1 E5 s( g* a& m+ w  k
: K5 f7 R$ n9 N; J( t6 C- DHong Kong Citizens, Vanguards of Freedom公仔箱論壇3 _7 ]% {# I) S: f

( ?2 V: g% q$ o( K$ Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公開信解釋,特區政府提出修訂逃犯條例,將在香港的「逃犯」──無論是香港公民、外國人或遊客,都可能因被指控的罪行遭引渡到中國。很多專業團體如律師組織、商會都表達憂慮,甚至百萬香港人上街遊行反對修例,香港政府都無動於衷。香港人唯有包圍立法會和平抗議,但被警方施以催淚彈鎮壓,手無寸鐵的示威者和記者被打,有示威者頭部中槍。有傷者在醫院治療期間被捕,可能被控以「暴動」。林鄭月娥政府堅持不肯撤回草案,只是暫緩立法,他們擔心習特會結束後,會有更多人被捕和遭鎮壓。
4 {6 |* _' b/ ~. E/ H9 u* m3 D4 Z! Mos.tvboxnow.com* v4 F, i2 J) [/ Q2 q! e  z
公開信向香港政府提出3點要求:os.tvboxnow.com( P# {# ^1 @1 O( I5 I) S1 k

" p$ c. T  [' w* X8 h  M釋放和平示威者;
9 V6 r9 q3 Q1 e& Z% ?$ r3 M: w獨立調查警方使用過度武力;
8 M: d" D. y0 J- ]; x) V  u公仔箱論壇完全撤回例草案。os.tvboxnow.com- b  r4 [$ K; t4 h, w
( k5 R8 ?9 f; {9 I2 E3 d


  • goldmonk
