[轉貼] [國家地理][中國歷險記:絲路][MP4][342M][英語/中字]
, 描述: Somewhere In China: Silk Road By 3e帝国
中国历险记Somewhere In China
本系列节目,派遣制片兼摄影师双人组彼得和杰夫哈钦斯(Peter and Jeff Hutchens),回到他们小时候曾经住过的中国。本系列节目让杰夫和彼得有机会一展所才,拍下绝美的照片和影片,令这个系列节目成为一场视觉飨宴。彼得和杰夫走过地势崎岖的中国西部,长江沿岸风景如画的三峡,还有内蒙古的荒凉大草原,生动传达出这些地方带给人的感觉,及这个充满活力国家人民的精神。
中国历险记: 丝路Somewhere In China: Silk Road
彼得和杰夫(Jeff and Peter)前往中国地势崎岖的西部边疆地带,到他们这趟丝路之旅的第一站──喀什噶尔(Kashgar)探险。为了与当地人打成一片,他们到市集寻找当地的传统帽子,但戴上帽子之後,他们觉得自己比较像猕猴,而非强壮的维吾尔族男子。对维吾尔族人来说,刀子象徵男子气概,两人於是去参观一间制刀厂。杰夫尝试制作刀子,结果不怎么成功。他们还去看在中国已有数千年历史的斗鸡比赛,但却很快就离开,改到一家传统音乐商店去听一场旋律或许不算优美,但气氛宁静许多的即兴演奏会。两人到柯尔克孜族的某座村子时,村民热情邀请他们参加一场类似马球的比赛。这项比赛与马球不同的地方在於,球员打的是一只无头羊,而非球。这项比赛并未纳入2008年北京奥运会的比赛项目。彼得和杰夫参加一场柯尔克孜族(Kyrgyz)的舞会,然後睡在传统圆顶帐篷内过夜,接著又搭骆驼车队的便车穿越沙漠。
Jumping into an icy swimming pool in minus 14 degree Celsius temperatures in northern China? No problem. Playing polo with a headless goat? Easy. Getting kicked out of Gansu province by the Chinese government? All in a day’s work. Climbing a five-storey sword ladder? Now, that may be pushing it for Peter and Jeff Hutchens, the 20-something filmmaker/photographer duo in this new six-part series.
Peter and Jeff go back to China, where they lived as children, to document the nation in the midst of social reinvention. Whether it’s a round of pick-up basketball with Tibetan herdsmen, a synthesized dance party outside traditional Kyrgyz yurts or a mobile phone-wielding camel guide in the desert, the boys uniquely capture the old China blending in with the new.
While in Yunnan, the boys make time to visit with a Lisu crossbow competitor whose house is only reachable by zipline and is accented with a rat hanging from the ceiling. In Gansu, they experience firsthand the political struggles taking place in China after being forced to leave the area during the recent Tibetan protests. In Harbin, Peter and Jeff return to familiar territory, trying their hand at ice sculpting and ice swimming before warming up with a few shots of vodka at a local bar made entirely from ice.
The series allows Jeff and Peter to demonstrate what they do best: taking truly stunning photographs and film footage that turn the series into a visual feast. Travelling from rough and tumble western China to the picturesque Three Gorges along the Yangtze and the desolate steppes of Inner Mongolia, Peter and Jeff expressively depict the feel of these landscapes and spirit of those living in this dynamic country.

[ 本帖最後由 Actnow06 於 2008-10-20 09:22 PM 編輯 ] |
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