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原帖由 Geai 於 2008-10-8 13:59 發表
come visit boy boy  
where have u been !!
Who is Mickey ? pou pou and grandpa 4 ??
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 boy12 於 8/10/2008 14:04 發表

Actually my $ is family $, so I cannot give away that easy ga !!
BB is max out, he can take it out anytime and his interest everyday is miilions, his excuse is so stupid and u believe ! :0 ...
......i dun believe u & blue blue anymore ....

i just give me $$ now
G gor gor dive water ma??
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-8 02:08 PM 發表

where have u been !!
Who is Mickey ? pou pou and grandpa 4 ??
DOBI buy me new clothes la    dont call me drandpa 4

u dunno mic mic ma  
原帖由 Geai 於 2008-10-8 02:39 PM 發表

DOBI buy me new clothes la    dont call me drandpa 4

u dunno mic mic ma  
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-8 06:25 AM 發表

靓姐 wants to force to me post my picture la
need to hide for awhile
你知就好啦,仲唔快D post 相??
原帖由 vwwo 於 8/10/2008 15:34 發表

你知就好啦,仲唔快D post 相??

原帖由 Geai 於 8/10/2008 14:39 發表

DOBI buy me new clothes la    dont call me drandpa 4

u dunno mic mic ma  
G gor gor ...i want ice-cream ar

回應 wongjj 第 1459 篇文章

too late & cold for ice cream
原帖由 Geai 於 8/10/2008 16:20 發表
too late & cold for ice cream
i just want to buy at 7-11 j~~pls
blueocean 仲未post相啊......
原帖由 h2o 於 2008-10-8 07:22 PM 發表
blueocean 仲未post相啊......
原帖由 vwwo 於 2008-10-8 02:27 PM 發表

born to die
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-8 02:04 PM 發表

Actually my $ is family $, so I cannot give away that easy ga !!
BB is max out, he can take it out anytime and his interest everyday is miilions, his excuse is so stupid and u believe ! :0 ...
you shouldn't told her that I have so much interest everyday
I have a feeling that she will ask me $$ everytime she sees me

