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原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-10-7 11:43 AM 發表

If you say it again, I will be with JJ and DOBi, a big rob $$$$ team! ha ha! You can't escape any more!
the rob $ trio mob
原帖由 blueocean 於 7/10/2008 11:45 發表

manyiu wants to join the bad girl team too
angel become devil
we r rob $$ angel
原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-7 11:45 AM 發表

G gor gor....u know i'm a super pretty girl... ....y u --> ar !!!
talking about ur true face ar   rob $ queen  
where is boy boy    come out la
原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-7 11:46 AM 發表

manyiu~~i wait u join us ~~~

bb20~~say it once again la
ha ha!  good idea!
原帖由 Geai 於 7/10/2008 11:46 發表

the rob $ trio mob
u r one of our targets~~

回應 YUYUME 第 773 篇文章

looking for boy boy ma  
原帖由 blueocean 於 7/10/2008 11:44 發表

why iis my name change to bb20
my real face handsome, JJ loves to joke
i'm not sure...i found someone call u bb20...so i also call u bb20 lor~~i guess...u r 20 yrs old...so...call u that lor...
原帖由 Geai 於 7/10/2008 11:48 發表

talking about ur true face ar   rob $ queen  
dun u think my real face is super pretty girl ma??
G gor gor, we need more guys here
too many girls


回應 Geai 第 774 篇文章

looking for u
原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-7 11:51 AM 發表

dun u think my real face is super pretty girl ma??
I know u r super sexy now  
原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-7 11:50 AM 發表

i'm not sure...i found someone call u bb20...so i also call u bb20 lor~~i guess...u r 20 yrs old...so...call u that lor...
how did you know I am 20 years old


原帖由 Geai 於 2008-10-7 11:48 發表
where is boy boy    come out la
The prize is coming up soon in here !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~