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原帖由 mickeybblim 於 2008-11-6 01:32 PM 發表

blueblue给dobi 吃住晒啦...
if you are looking for me, I will come out anytime ar


原帖由 mickeybblim 於 2008-11-6 13:32 發表

blueblue给dobi 吃住晒啦...
Seems like u know everything in this forum !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-11-6 13:34 發表

if you are looking for me, I will come out anytime ar
Please try not to be "flower mouth" to other girls as u used to be b4, or Dobi is gonna kick ur ..............
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-11-6 01:34 PM 發表

if you are looking for me, I will come out anytime ar
會一心一意愛一個女仔, 錫晒佢 . ...
♥欢迎入黎同我&只外星猫cc "搞搞震無幫襯"♥
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-11-6 01:36 PM 發表

Seems like u know everything in this forum !!
♥欢迎入黎同我&只外星猫cc "搞搞震無幫襯"♥
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-11-6 01:37 PM 發表

Please try not to be "flower mouth" to other girls as u used to be b4, or Dobi is gonna kick ur ..............
kick me in what


原帖由 boy12 於 2008-11-6 01:37 PM 發表

Please try not to be "flower mouth" to other girls as u used to be b4, or Dobi is gonna kick ur ..............
flower mouth...E招不适合我
♥欢迎入黎同我&只外星猫cc "搞搞震無幫襯"♥
原帖由 mickeybblim 於 2008-11-6 01:41 PM 發表

會一心一意愛一個女仔, 錫晒佢 . ...
I will do love one girl ga...I just switch girl every minute...or even every second


原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-11-6 01:42 PM 發表

kick me in what
kick入深深大海.......... 等打捞......
♥欢迎入黎同我&只外星猫cc "搞搞震無幫襯"♥
原帖由 mickeybblim 於 2008-11-6 01:42 PM 發表

flower mouth...E招不适合我
of course you don't like flower mouth...because G gor gor is not flower mouth


回應 blueocean 第 4429 篇文章

u still hasnt got rob meh  
原帖由 Geai 於 2008-11-6 01:48 PM 發表
u still hasnt got rob meh  
no one ask today....it's amazing
whatever...I guess I can save them for myself


原帖由 blueocean 於 6/11/2008 13:43 發表

I will do love one girl ga...I just switch girl every minute...or even every second
i will tell dobi
原帖由 blueocean 於 6/11/2008 13:50 發表

no one ask today....it's amazing
whatever...I guess I can save them for myself
u said sleep jo at pet blow water area....
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原帖由 mickeybblim 於 2008-11-6 13:41 發表

Just a pic jar woo ! that is 明显 ?
It could be any girl !! Maybe that is his 2 "nine" ! And even Dobi couldn't tell !!
Dobi doesn't look like that today !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~