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原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 2008-10-17 07:19 發表

which floor is the grand prize?
u already get a prize in here la !!
and the next one is close !
u should always look at the su-title !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-17 07:20 AM 發表

I come here all the time and I never win
don't worry, blueocean, I will be your lucky charm today
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原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 2008-10-17 07:21 AM 發表

BB...sounds "GAY"....
I don't want this nickname
I don't know who gave me this


原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-17 07:20 AM 發表

I throught u are nice girl not like jj !!
Any I give special bonus for u today to welcome u, don't tell anyone !!
thanks, i won't tell anyone here
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原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 2008-10-17 07:22 AM 發表

don't worry, blueocean, I will be your lucky charm today
not just today....you are my lucky girl everyday


原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-17 07:20 發表

you have a great sense of humor
but, why am I call BB....
I saw ppl call u BB or BB20 cos u are telling almost everyone u are 20 years old ma !! And u are here all the time anyway !!  
But someone also call me BB cos it is teh short form for boyboy !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-17 07:20 AM 發表

you have a great sense of humor
but, why am I call BB....
boy boy's love...
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原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-17 07:21 AM 發表

sure...let's rob him
wherever you go, I follow
good...remember to follow my "tail"...hehehe
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原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 2008-10-17 07:21 發表

BB...sounds "GAY"....
really ?
I think bb is like baby, baby can also be gay ?  
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-17 07:25 AM 發表

I saw ppl call u BB or BB20 cos u are telling almost everyone u are 20 years old ma !! And u are here all the time anyway !!  
But someone also call me BB cos it is teh short form for boybo ...
ok...the "20" part is acceptable...but, why BB....can be CC, DD, EE ar


原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-17 07:22 AM 發表

u already get a prize in here la !!
and the next one is close !
u should always look at the su-title !!
chicken eyes can't see clearly ma......
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原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 2008-10-17 07:26 AM 發表

good...remember to follow my "tail"...hehehe
I am following ar...what's the next plan


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左看看, 右看看, 看來看去看不清~~暈!
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-17 07:24 AM 發表

not just today....you are my lucky girl everyday
oh....blueocean, are you somekind of GOD?
左看看, 右看看, 看來看去看不清~~暈!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-17 07:25 AM 發表

I saw ppl call u BB or BB20 cos u are telling almost everyone u are 20 years old ma !! And u are here all the time anyway !!  
But someone also call me BB cos it is teh short form for boybo ...


  • boy12

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