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012309..ask 4 the price first
any want ....i can post the photo...n hp 2 u all......0 r0 M. b0 Y; Y. \! M: `& a
next12 發表於 2010-12-22 06:23 AM
! Y$ ]  Q% _/ u: F* s+ P0 N
I want it too.....
next12 PM 我!! 我要
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next 12 tat time i got sms go...
& t- f- `- {/ }* X' U' I  uTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。no reply ger
cal n sms again......mb tat time is bz in work(ml)........call many time.......
cal n sms again......mb tat time is bz in work(ml)........call many time.......
tis is her photo......
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next 12...i wan her photo too plz...pm me
625# next12 3 h6 K0 N. Z# B5 J' U

8 [. W" y6 S6 E3 L9 r; B0 Zos.tvboxnow.comwhere is the photo?
the number  cant call anymore
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robin and the place near perade there