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# f( a' Y5 f) f2 B7 T- lsien
- l  S' H1 P9 p  T0 |% k6 Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbbut ho prc sure nice bo??
ipoh have no fun jor .....die city
it's got a ppl to serve there ?or just walk in the ppl will ask you ? let me know what should i do please !!!
431# kenttss
) g' Q- O" ?- C# D公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ j& E" j, O, i7 e$ y& E& r
CAn you let me pm me the number in syeun?
Yes.. just walk in u ppl will ask.. can enjoy spa..  Yesterday try Thai... nice man.. heheheee....
how's much for mm one night at ipoh hotel??? budjet below 400!!!
ipoh got one place at ipoh garden prc one yesterday i got try this i copy from ppl one same like he say masage + batin open till 2.00am new open one 但很舒服一下,  按了大概40分钟,小姐就好像有点不规矩的摸到重要部位,( _# j* N3 h' H' S) G
过后就问要不要特别的服务,原来是抓根~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) h& }6 Y* C$ Y. a4 ]) m
想着,都被他弄到爽了 ,就服务咯,$ C9 ~* x9 s! v" _% X
感觉很不错,很会‘抓’的咯~~没有马上要你出,很用心在抓公仔箱論壇! l9 d% o7 n, J. P& l/ W
然后我要求摸她的双峰~~他说不行呢~~"pay tips can"公仔箱論壇+ L; i0 _4 M* L, D) C) n
但还是很爽咯~~越弄越爽,要出的时候,他又不让我出,很厉害咯~~  E爽啊!!!  
7 J' i  @9 X2 }: h- d  u过后还是忍不住,就喷到她的衣服~~然后很用心的帮我抹干净~~9 X$ N$ d; v$ O# T
现在才发现按摩抓根也很爽的TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: I- p# G+ ]5 M5 ~9 f% u7 {: {
% Y& v6 I( H! n4 Y) G! U* ~公仔箱論壇
: U9 U0 I0 V7 U' y" o7 eTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。价钱::按摩rm55+抓根rm50 same price
ipoh除了雞斗 按摩場下水 都沒地方可以去
0 v3 p5 y; a* x+ N公仔箱論壇又唔是就酒店叫雞 夜總會叫中國雞 真悶!!
7 z. a3 [; t/ W1 H公仔箱論壇os.tvboxnow.com" {, ]9 L3 D6 B  u
so_mad,可以PM 我吗?在哪里??
472# so_mad where is the place can pm or not beside the speical got more special service or not???one more thing pretty mou??
473# Jnmay 哪里的有下水的?密我TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! B$ b8 d& ~, Y; v  `5 H( ^
where got massage and special service not only touch but can XX de
按摩場下水 at where who can tell?
ritx kwolxxxx yong ka sam road
that place went there be4 but only old woman msg de
# m' Z, |; A- W; `+ J( B2 N$ y, xos.tvboxnow.comno gal de leh if got also different de msg no XX de
' E8 N1 ~+ y8 a1 c% ]1 los.tvboxnow.comWho know where got MSG and pretty and then got XX de coz when after msg got XX feel nice