, 描述: Food Lovers Guide To The Planet : Catch Of The Day By 3E帝國
During the last century, over-fishing has caused a widespread decline in sea life, with many species poised on the brink of extinction. Today, a growing movement of fishermen worldwide commit themselves to finding eco-friendly solutions for harnessing the sea, ensuring the survival of one of our most valuable--and most delicious--foods. At Esca, celebrated chef David Pasternak serves fish from around the world, but also commits himself to sourcing locally and the catch of the day might have been reeled in by his own hands. Then were off to New Zealand to look for one of natures marvels: paua a unique species of abalone. In Tuscany, lifelong fisherman Paolo Fanciulli uses pescaturismo to demonstrate first-hand the benefits of sustainable fishing practices. Meet Sergio Guevara, who started Ensenadas first eco-friendly commercial mussel farm.