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welcome, simon there, i tried once only
6 S4 B4 {6 J8 v2 Y& j7 \公仔箱論壇if u got time, try danok 1 time, after that, u won try penang anymore i think hehe
. T2 P/ B0 s% Q- @$ O, J" {2 y" _: SLonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-8-21 08:57 PM
0 R! c# v# ^" ~$ A: v5 W/ c公仔箱論壇) X+ P: m/ Q0 M8 j0 X5 z
LonelyPlanet,TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& F3 v* K8 Z- N! v$ K+ E9 j

/ P+ @* ], D6 v9 II never been to Danok. In fact, despite thailand being considerably near to Penang, i never crossed a foot into Thai border before. Yes i heard lots of good thing that place reading this thread. Maybe you can create a Danok 101 for us green head who wants to explore this heavenly place? :), o6 U, i9 i: b0 g6 r5 j, P

' l# m( W' T2 O3 T0 {Question : Will my passport show record of me crossing thai border if i visit danok?
feng, fantastic and awesome report!!! kambateh公仔箱論壇' `: w9 G. E2 v8 y& V
kenny, no need to create the danok forum lah, not so much ppl go there, compare to KL ppl, PG ppl r more near to there, so we write in here better. wll ur passport show record of u crossing thai border if u visit danok? absolutely YES!!! but if ur IC show u r perlis or kedah ppl, u can buy the border pass, RM10 for half yr, if not mistaken. y? wori ur gf or wife c ur passport? :-)
- D  ]- R% I) A. C1 g) ~# xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2。在spa按摩和做爱花了多少钱?* A  A! k3 M1 a( Z: m, x
; k6 t0 O, d. ?% ?" k1 l4。吊花多少钱?都是在什么bangkxx的店名?没去yes pub吗?很多人都说那边比较high
721# NoSexNoLiFe tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' F* A) @8 g% {0 r3 _+ x0 B  ~" K
It's 燕之. The one that looks that she never got enough sleep. Seriously dude, don't take her.
: _+ J3 M. P0 T3 p5 c' H3 a2 }kenny.teo 發表於 2011-8-22 07:51 AM
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 ~5 X4 r( _6 j6 y% V8 X% d) r3 a% u
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& T+ p) k6 ^2 p
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1。百乐门酒店的英文名是?还能接受到马来西亚的电话line吗?公仔箱論壇) q$ u3 w, q' g4 d
2。在spa按摩和做爱花了多少钱?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& n  y$ A' j  E+ K5 i  c4 l
+ c+ [- ]1 U- _8 ^/ w6 r9 Uos.tvboxnow.com4。吊花多少钱?都是在什么ban ...% x# S! R/ B6 e! i3 Q  l/ n
LonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-8-22 11:02 AM
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: y# |8 M! }2 m: j

' c: O: [7 ~" T; V+ v& Uos.tvboxnow.com-百乐门酒店的英文名是paramount palace hotel,电话+66(0)74-557599,557600没打过照抄而已。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 q* a5 q7 d1 E
-rm1500 I! b, |& O0 R, K: ^7 C$ K
% W/ ]% F) s8 N& Los.tvboxnow.com-yes人多到没地方站,后来才跑去bangkok的,听说还有一间pattaya更爽,制服诱惑啊~之后在那边又玩得开心,约的女生还拖了朋友过来,大家更是玩得更开心咯,之后我的show girl出现了,我当然也走不了了哈哈哈~yes我有去过2次了歌好好听表演也蛮棒的,但场子太热,人太密集了。
; G4 M$ S) y9 }( p8 j-泰国之旅只算吊的话rm150+200咯,但是我送花送了50,酒钱朋友还没算【大家一起share的】幸好约得女生3个玩免费的,而且showgirl的朋友有过来一起玩。
8 y( b8 V# w$ a* y8 P-小弟不敢关公面前耍大刀,哈哈,这样子的经历我觉得不错了,至少如果在国内我可不敢玩得那么疯!哈哈哈
* o8 M0 V1 F( eos.tvboxnow.com-lonely大大你也快快到处玩,然后分享给我们这些小羊们吧。狼王不走,小羊寸步难行啊~噗
7 ^2 R# }/ {. I# L5 t' h/ f: I
" q8 E  o8 F( |. ]/ Z6 U" p& W; ]
赞成!!!# |! @) W, v/ _) ~) a
LonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-8-22 11:08 AM
公仔箱論壇3 ~' o& Y. j0 I) R

7 r' h  B6 }. {2 HTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。恩真的很眼睡~有同感。
- paramount palace hotel是比较里面还是?因我担心收不到马来西亚的line,所以近近的,一过关口,走大约一两分钟,右边有间grand river酒店,平常70块,大节日120块。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 P4 C7 ^' x' }
- “听说半夜找到的女生1shot,rm150是真的吗?”,会有谁半夜才找女生的啊?大多数都是12点前找到,就回酒店大战了!如果1shot rm150,到不如在本地,去danok就是要享受过夜的!200-250过夜,本地可以找到吗?可以,如果你喜欢aunty的话~~~哈哈!os.tvboxnow.com1 I  J' E& _# N
- 我最近除了槟城外,都没有下KL了,因为北上便宜又近!我10月会在下danok,基本上,找一个陪过夜的,rm200-250,酒店rm70就有了,但我是weekday去的,所以泰国妹多到半死!哈哈哈!- Q% F5 C) t, z+ o9 ]0 B  b+ ^
- 10月会来个1王2后(3P)!所以tongkat ali不能少,晚上不来个sex party誓不为人!
' l% F8 p) Z% wTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- rm220x2+rm70酒店,大约500可以让我精尽人亡了,在马来西亚?haiz....
can PM me Vistana OKT number ? wanna try it out...
- paramount palace hotel是比较里面还是?因我担心收不到马来西亚的line,所以近近的,一过关口,走大约一两分钟,右边有间grand river酒店,平常70块,大节日120块。
' n/ B; V$ y7 g# {& e) L公仔箱論壇- “听说半夜找到的女生1shot,rm150是真的吗 ...
; [3 l. d, C+ qLonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-8-22 03:04 PM
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 y4 b* u) Y' N: Z) I. o: W0 n+ \) u

* ?7 N0 x9 ?7 _) n公仔箱論壇-paramount palace hotel在入关后左手边里面一点点。。。os.tvboxnow.com$ ^/ O; L3 j8 U: i
-lonely大大,一王二后太pro了啦。。我lv不够还没naik pangkat下次先咯。。。哈哈【您真内行~】
' @3 K5 O9 B  R# e5 j$ W7 ITVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。-tongkat ali真的有用的咩,我有个朋友卖中药,开店的,他有一种补药不会让你硬不停,但可以让你增强体力,越做越有力,但是我还没用过。。。
7 z+ f5 I: }! r1 L$ M4 ?公仔箱論壇-那下次就轮到阁下分享咯哈哈。。。
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本帖最後由 takban82 於 2011-8-23 07:25 AM 編輯
" k) D9 O& w* `( P- ~" t! y9 U  z  U  ~8 v! v
i dare to said most of simon prc was bloody hell...price keep on increased...from 160  to 180...now latest price 200 per shot..no point to go his place as well..
1 `0 K4 @" [: ~( i- ?" S公仔箱論壇his place dun have 3p package ,but he simply offer customer 3p games,the main purpose was he wan't to push or promote his low output/ low grade prc to customer.so usually he will convince customer about his prc was a good in working ( with promise & swearing-haha bloody hell talk).further more ,without hesitate he simply make an offer to customer with difference price-( i also wonder know why he do that ) ..But the situation was thier prc dun want entertain 3p games ..but he force them to do so ..and result with,  cos the prc damn hot & tulan,so they pointing to customer with giving a bad attitude & service during the 3p games .this is why the 3p games not good & the services like hell..i already got various frens complained about his prc & pricing as well...
& e: {- r/ t4 N' \+ E# `% W$ J( RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ y3 i+ Q! D$ G! ~$ J( J
customer A - he offer 3p with 2 shot 300....but A only take 1 shoot because bad service .
/ ?4 O2 q2 {5 @- a公仔箱論壇customer B  - he offer 3p with 1 shoot 330 ...B also gave bad comment about the service.
; D; ?2 A! A5 H/ g1 [# F5 eos.tvboxnow.comcustomer C - he offer 3p with 2 shot 400...ended with 1 shot ...( damn moodless & tulan )
! K* Z. j( h  f公仔箱論壇
, c3 u3 L; `: t; h, }公仔箱論壇prc name -2-yanzhi os.tvboxnow.com! ?* T6 X! N, O) d: ]' Y+ M- S8 E% z
                -lin lin
9 H) p# W, ]! y0 o2 S( V# Htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb                -li li tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ d. J: v5 l, r
specify in - talkactive ,bad attitude, & no provide services as the forum listed ..like no france kiss,no finggering,short period of bj (1~3mins),no kiss/suck on boobs,3p games but only 1 prc serve u ,the other one just lean beside u like stone.( izzit this call 3p games???)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. t# K4 G- a+ I! F, p+ y
公仔箱論壇; ?$ a( `0 e5 _/ `# v
os.tvboxnow.com" n+ R+ J0 z$ G2 T: R! C3 Q
this is what i get from my customer...no return to simon side ..cheat money ...not pro enough to be okt in penang yet ...i dare to said..still got a lot complained sound from others cheongster other than my customer.../ B. q1 Z) K+ `# |9 I$ M
one last word --- prc not pretty +not provide SOP service+pricing no standardize + no quality service + ' h* o+ M& }+ s/ T, Q  Y
okt fool customer abuot his prc service ( not sincere just care about money ) = NO RETURN FUCK....
- ^- v: h! j, k9 e& z; mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
0 [! m! {6 X9 b: E# @2 |0 jworth it or not ,u finalize by u own....6 c8 ~1 s3 J0 E# b+ m* t7 m
even though i good with okt ..but im fair to gave him a tumb down .....9 a6 o- a+ K+ g

$ M7 r; U" P$ b3 q0 M' `TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ ]7 r- e' c0 [- \! L
do u hear any complain about simon place..pls sharing..
3 K( w3 a5 O# ~if u only have simon place for cheong..i'm here sincere to sharing with u all my good place ...
I never cheong b4, until lonelyplanet gave me simon contact, still i didn't cheong yet. Lately my boss want to murder me, flood me with work. So, consider lucky i didn't go to simon? Any taiko here got anywhere nice in BM or PG pls share (PM) with me. I've got nowhere to go. T_T
i dare to said most of simon prc was bloody hell...price keep on increased...from 160  to 180...now latest price 200 per shot..no point to go his place as well..tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 i/ i& C6 @( J0 e  U1 `1 P
his place dun have 3p package ,but he  ...
# K" j3 n9 P) ?0 s3 ^/ |tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtakban82 發表於 2011-8-23 05:24 AM
os.tvboxnow.com" {! S/ Z. P  M7 m! i% c8 s
1 Y, R6 n  h$ G: p0 F7 [
3 \8 E9 \4 j# ^7 Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 G4 z$ \  ?. `( u' t
但是在这里找吃,找不到什么路,[url=space.php?uid=1144238]takban82[/url]你可以pm我一些地方介绍介绍吗?公仔箱論壇" V+ V0 n1 H1 M" Z, x  R: ^! _
% I) f, f& v- q
blacklist the simon~~~
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