[教學] OZ Pearlman - Stealing Pips (可以用來把妹的魔術~)
, 描述: Stealing Pips: The Card Magic of Oz (DVD)

The Effect
This DVD contains a wealth of powerful card magic. The material is extremely visual and stunning. The routines are practical, and designed for real-world performance. There are no pipe dreams or outrageous sleights. The moves and routines will generate huge reactions from audiences, and do so with the least amount of work, allowing you to focus more on presentation. This is material you will use.
DVD Contents
A prediction effect so clean and unbelievable, they'll think you are actually psychic.
Impossible Transpo
The most VISUAL two-card transposition EVER!
Card Vanishes
The ultimate anytime, anywhere routine using a playing card, credit card, or any card you have on hand. A great icebreaker.
I C 3
Devastating 3-card prediction effect utilyzing only one invisible move. Maximum spectator impact with minimal work!
Twist & Shake
Dynamite card revelation using the four Queens and a little shake.
Shot Caller
Streamlined approach to the Red Hot Mama effect with an eye-popping double color change and a dazzling climax!
Thought Force
Classic force for the spectator's eyes... looks like pure mind reading.
Lord of the Twist
A two-phase stunner that delivers punch after punch!
Once Upon a Time
Magician vs Gambler effect with astonishing revelations and transformations!
Bertram Change
Richly detailed explanation of this breathtaking color change.
SAC Move
Revolutionary move that is easy to learn, invisible, and has endless applications. It will raise your card magic to the next level!
Dirty Deck Principle
Indicator card that blows other methods out of the water. You will use this one all the time. |
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