紐約州我就唔知, 紐約市我好似未見過. 大麻味難聞到屎.
pknoface 發表於 2015-4-23 08:46 AM  大鄉里掌門 不要總是留在地下室聞屎!
New York 420 Day Overview At 4:20pm every day during the early 1970s, a group of teens in San Rafael, California went to a wall outside of school grounds to smoke pot. The Waldos – as they were called for their meeting spot – dubbed their afternoon toke “420,” but never envisioned the code word becoming a worldwide phenomenon.
In New York City, thousands of potheads join their brethren across the globe in celebrating April 20th like it’s cannabis Christmas. 420 Day New York City boasts an eclectic list of 420 Day parties that rivals the fun had in any other city around the globe.
Blazed New Yorkers head to 420 Day events like 420 Celebration at Washington Square Park, where they’ll join fellow reefer regulars in a peaceful, yet powerful protest to end America’s years-long national pot prohibition.
Meanwhile, chill, high dudes enjoy the Lebowski Fest NYC. At this unique festival, attendees dress up as their favorite characters from the cult classic The Big Lebowski and bowl just like The Dude, Donny, and Walter. There’s even live music and a screening of the beloved film, making it a 420 Day event to remember.
Varying 420 Day celebrations in New York City such as the 1st Annual New York City Hot Sauce Expo and an STS9 concert prove that the Big Apple houses hash holiday bashes for all sorts of stoners. |