為了不想被定形,很多憑演出超級英雄而火紅的演員最終都會想抽離一下,約滿即止,像「Ironman」Robert Downey Jr.、狼人 Hugh Jackman 等等,在今明兩年上映的兩部《Avengers》電影之後,就會有很多大家熟悉的英雄約滿,包括大家喜愛的「雷神」Chris Hemsworth。不過有別於其他巨星演員,Chris Hemsworth 在出席新電影《12 Strong》的宣傳活動時就表示還是很想繼續出演 Thor 一角,甚至覺得合約太快完結:
I’ve just, literally two days ago, finished Avengers 4 and that’s my contract — my preexisting contract is done now, so it’s kind of like, ‘wow, that’s it.” Two or three films ago I was like, ‘okay, a couple more.’ I was enjoying it but I was like… I felt a little restricted … … If I had the opportunity to do it again, I think I’d love to. I also think there’s an appetite for it now, or there’s a far greater range of possibilities of where he can go now, what he can do, just because we’ve kind of broken the mold a bit.
當然合約是可以延續的,只要 Marvel 還想讓 Chris Hemsworth 所演飾演的 Thor 繼續出現,話說 Robert Downey Jr. 也曾經多次表明不想再做 Tony Stark,但大家直到目前還是看到他的演出,更何況這次是演員主動表明想延續角色?其實《Thor: Ragnarok》為 Thor 一角帶來了新氣象,似乎還可以繼續發揮下去吧! |