"There were [scenes shot]. It’s a cool looking costume. Sadly we didn’t see that either in the final cut. Zack takes his time with telling the stories and I’ve always liked that about his movies. There are a few scenes that I was very much looking forward to seeing which unfortunately got cut."
Fabian Wagner 證實了電影本來確實有拍攝 Superman 穿黑色戰服的場景,不過沒有被保留在最後的剪輯版之中。其實 Henry Cavill 上月接受 WSVN TV 訪問時,也有被問到同樣的問題,而他也暗示過黑色戰服的存在,不過可惜最後未能出現在大銀幕之中。
根據《Variety》的獨家報道,導演 Matt Reeves 有意為《Batman》個人電影找新主角,Batman 的飾演者未必一定會繼續是 Ben Affleck,報道內容如下:
"While Ben Affleck is expected to appear as Batman in a standalone Flash movie, it is highly unlikely he will don the cape and cowl in Matt Reeves’ planned standalone Batman movie. The director is said to want to cast the role with fresh talent, according to sources."
雖然 Ben Affleck 在往後《Flash》個人電影中,會繼續飾演 Batman,但這或許會是他的最後一次,因為 Matt Reeves 被指有意另尋演員,成為新的 Batman 演出者。而與此同時,近日有消息指 Ben Affleck 的好友 Jon Hamm,對 Batman 一角大感興趣:
"Jon knows Ben has faced some criticism over Batman v Superman and Justice League, and frankly thinks he’d be better suited for the job. This is business for Jon — not personal."
這說法來自 RadarOnline.com 的獨家報道,指 Jon Hamm 覺得自己更適合參與《Batman》電影。其實之前已有說法指,導演 Matt Reeves 希望找 Jake Gyllenhaal 擔任下一位 Batman,那到底最後哪一傳聞會成真?還是 Ben Affleck 自己也演得意興闌珊了?