一位荷蘭攝影師Jan Vermeer前往南極洲雪山島,捕捉到這幾幕珍貴的畫面,畫面中有兩隻皇帝企鵝寶寶,走起路來搖搖晃晃,其中一隻一下子揮揮雙手,一下子拍拍對方的肩膀,一下子兩隻攙扶在一起,好像真的在練習、教導對方走路技巧般。
51歲的攝影師Jan Vermeer專拍野生動物,他指出其實企鵝並不怕生,也因為南極洲地處偏遠很少有人前往走動,因此當企鵝們看見攝影團隊時也不害怕,甚至還朝他們靠近想知道他們是什麼生物呢!
Jan Vermeer也指出,到南極洲並不是一件容易的事,南極洲非常寒冷、冰層也十分厚,船隻無法太靠近小島嶼,而若使用直升機,又需要負擔昂貴的費用,但能親眼看到且拍攝到企鵝寶寶如此珍貴又可愛的畫面,Jan Vermeer覺得,一切都值回票價了!
You just put one flipper in front of the other: Cute moment penguin appears to teach his friend how to walk
A baby emperor penguin appears to be teaching its friend how to walk in this set of adorable pictures.
Either that, or it thinks it is Usain Bolt as it strikes a pose in the image of the lightning-fast Jamaican sprinter.
Meanwhile, another young penguin argues its case with a friend, gesturing with its wing as if to make a point.
Poser: This young emperor penguin seems to think it is Usain Bolt as it mimics the Jamaican sprinter's trademark celebration
Care to dance? Another penguin seems to want engage in a jig with a friend
The new-born penguins are simply enjoying a tranquil day in the cold sunshine - because no predators are nearby.
However, one shot has a large crowd huddling close together, hoping to stay warm in each others' company.
Their curiosity entertained wildlife photographer Jan Vermeer, 51, who sat close by watching the action.
Mr Vermeer, from Apeldoorn in the Netherlands, travelled to Snow Hill Island in Antarctica to capture the shots.
Help is at hand: These two seem to be helping each other cross Antarctica's freezing terrain
He said: 'Fortunately the penguins are not afraid of humans as they have never seen us before - it's the most remote place in the world.
"They have no fear but they are curious and, if you wait long enough, they come closer to you.
'Daily life for penguin chicks is not that exciting - as long as they aren't being attacked by any predators.'
The playful penguins have very little to worry about compared to their parents.
They have to find a spot 100km from the open sea in the cold winter to hatch an egg.
Once the summer heat begins melting much of the ice, the sea comes closer so that when they hatch, their babies are ready to dive in.
Jan said: 'Females lay one egg and leave it with their partner before heading out to sea for two months.
Gathering: This large crowd huddle close together, hoping to stay warm in each others' company
'The male emperor penguin holds the single egg on his feet, gently cradled in its brooch pouch to keep the egg from freezing.
'He doesn't eat anything during this period and, when the female returns, they trade off brooding duties.
'Raising a healthy chick in frigid environment like Antarctica is a touch job, requiring the work of two parents.'
Antarctica is not an easy place to travel to and Mr Vermeer pointed out the difficulty he had in making it to the island.
He said: 'It's a tough place to get to because there is only one ship which offers tours here.
'When it's very cold, the ice is too thick and the boat cannot get close enough to the island.
'What they do then is park as close as they can and you travel the rest of the way by helicopter - but this can get expensive.
'It's worth it though - I think these are the best photos I've ever taken.' |