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點樣解決 cannot render the file???

我dl 左個套戲, 之後, 放左入去 media player classic 果度, 佢話 cannot render the file( k, o/ v: i1 t; N4 V1 P# p* N; l
之後放入去replay, 就 無法播放檔案, 格式不支援(它包今含意外的資料,並可能已損毀)公仔箱論壇! `: W! ~; K& g% p& O3 W3 I9 |
想來諗住kmplayer 冇問題, 點知,都係唔得 ( 找不到篩選器的組合,所以無法轉換資料串流. erroor num:80040218)
2 V9 K0 b8 Y% z; Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb下面仲有d 唔知咩code....
& D3 O: L' R! g6 d) S' g( G
$ l( w/ }# Y0 d( a1 m( X我已經dl 左 k-lite codec pack,
* z' l! K7 O9 ^6 C" @7 f. J: cos.tvboxnow.com* f/ g( T# X9 n
會唔會係d code 唔夠呢???    如果係除左k-lite codec pack 仲有d咩codec 需要用, 在那裡下載??公仔箱論壇- K5 l" l( H3 t$ z1 N; A7 r( r; E1 [4 F
公仔箱論壇$ U& D9 I  m& f0 R! _8 g
試下用 k-lite MEGA codec pack9 Y5 M* e+ u, j5 ~: |! E# }% L& l
it might be the simplified chinese file name or folder name problem as well.. if you are using traditional chinese windows.. you might try to change the file name and folder name