本帖最後由 vandas 於 2012-8-28 07:28 AM 編輯

Face-off: Two Goldfinches 紅額金翅雀 (Carduelis carduelis) squabbling over Common teasel seeds in winter, Hope Farm RSPB reserve, Cambridgeshire

Common seal 斑海豹 (phoca vitulina) pup resting on a sandbank during a sandstorm, Donna Nook, Lincolnshire

Maybe a visit to the dentist?: An old male grey seal 灰海豹 (halichoerus grypus) with mouth wide open showing worn teeth, Lundy Island, Bristol Channel
Rule Britannia: A juvenile peregrine falcon 遊隼 (falco peregrinus) flying in front of a Union Jack flag on top of the Houses of Parliament

Leaping: A red squirrel 松鼠 (sciurus vulgaris) jumping while holding a nut in its mouth, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland

Open wide: A basking shark 姥鯊 (cetorhinus maximus) feeding on plankton in the surface waters around the island of Coll, Inner Hebrides, Scotland
Eat up: A reed warbler 蘆葦鶯 (acrocephalus scirpaceus) feeding a young European cuckoo (cuculus canorus) in its nest, East Anglian Fens, Norfolk
Messy eater: The Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire hosts a wild boar 野豬 (sus scrofa) female with vegetation on its snout
Cute: A marsh harrier 沼澤鷂 (circus aeruginosus) chick, removed from its nest to be sexed, weighed and ringed at Sculthorpe Nature Reserve in Norfolk
Fearless: A red fox 赤狐 (vulpes vulpes) cub approaching young boy in a garden in Leicestershire

What flies beneath: A puffin 海鸚 (fratercula arctica) swimming underwater near the Farne Islands in Northumberland

Blue eyes: Common blue damselfly 豆娘 (enallagma cyathigerum) at Tamar Lake, Cornwall

Papped!: A mute swan 疣鼻天鵝 (cygnus olor) peering at a camera in Fife, Scotland
Cheese! A grey squirrel 松鼠 (sciurus carolinensis) peers into the lens in Regent's Park

Relax: A boy watches a grey heron 灰鷺 (ardea cinerea) also in Regent's Park, London
Divebomb: A hen harrier 白尾鷂 (circus cyaneus) diving to its nest site on the Glen Tanar Estate, Grampian, Scotland

Watchful: A pike 白斑狗魚 (esox lucius) smiles his 'malevolent aged grin' at the bottom of the river Mortimer in Berkshire
Camouflaged: A red deer 馬鹿 (cervus elaphus) stag thrashing bracken during rutting season in Bushy Park, London
Riverside picnic: A water vole 水䶄 (arvicola amphibius / arvicola terrestris) feeding in Kent
Basking: Three European river otters 水獺 (lutra lutra) rest on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

Majestic: Kingfisher 翠鳥 (alcedo atthias) flying into nest with fish
Lift off: A black-tailed godwit 黑尾鹬 (limosa limosa) taking off from a tidal pool in Norfolk.