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OH MY GOD....真的那麼可怕嗎??
i live in Canada too
It happens sometimes..
138# tanghoi

Those are all isolated cases that could have happened anywhere in the world!!! I have been living in Canada for more than four decades, I still say this is a beautiful and peaceful countries that we all should admire what this county offers us!!!!! Thank you!!!
天啊 下個月準備要出國一趟說
Don't blame Canada, there are lot of things going around the world.
加拿大一點問題都無, 東部係無西邊好的, 有錢都去溫哥華
I think it is still safer than the US or mainland china
i think van still a safety place compare to many other place
sounds very terrible. I hope this is just the insulate case. 1# longkdao
其实也还好吧 我在加拿大呆的时间不长 但是也好几个月 觉得也还可以
其实我觉得 最烂的地方 往往是阿人聚集的地方 这些地方房租都相对比较便宜