住在英國史丹佛郡(Staffordshire)、現年50歲的龐斯‧里斯科(Ponce Risco),日前在住家附近發現遭母鴨拋棄的8顆鴨蛋,因不忍心小生命失去來到這世上的機會,龐斯和太太麗莎(Lisa)買來孵化器幫助鴨蛋孵化,而小鴨子破蛋出生後,更是無微不至的照料牠們。
Mother duck: Spanish guesthouse owner Ponce Risco has found himself raising eight ducklings after they were abandoned as eggs by their mother
Ducker up: Mr Risco keeps the ducklings inside his family home in Longton at night but lets them out into a pen during the day
Troupe: The ducklings are happy when they can see Mr Risco but when he goes out of sight they huddle together and start quacking loudly
Horsing around: The ducklings walk outside Mr Risco's home as a horse rider double takes while trotting past
Nice weather for ducks: Once or twice a day Mr Risco walks to Longton Brickcroft Nature Reserve and the ducklings follow him
Hatchlings: After noticing the mother had abandoned her eggs Mr Risco and his wife decided to take them on and bought an incubator. Here is one duckling just after it hatched

Don't dawdle: Mr Risco said raising the ducklings had been a 'bit of a pain' but that he would do it all over again |