
The iPurr: Kittens love chilling to the sound of the Pussycat Dolls

Peaches on the beach: They can take me walkies anytime

Is that you Bernard? They do say owners grow to look like their dogs

Top dog: One is friends with the Royal Corgies Political animal? Yes, I'm a swing voter

Feeling ruff? After a heavy night, nothing beats the hair of the dog

Cool Paw Luke: It's hard play poke if they dealing you hands

The Three Pedigrees: Not just champions, we're the Supremes

A canine online: Google? I thought they said Poodle

What a knit: I am in stitches Waiter, waiter: There's a whisker in my soup

It's Snoop Dogg: I'm great at scratching

Pizza mutt: I definitely had one too man slices of the Margherita

Cat apps: Now which one let me order a fish supper?

Pipe dream: Retriever? No I'm a Werthers Original Yes, it's the Hound of the Baskervilles

Feline fed-up: Sometimes there's no pleasing Puss