正常情況下狗狗一胎只生6-8隻小狗, 但德國一個繁殖者的狗狗則誕下11隻小狗.
同一星期內, 另一頭母犬誕下16隻小狗. 因此27隻小狗在同一周內降生, 不單令繁殖者手忙腳亂, 母狗也因小狗太多而缺乏奶汁供應.

Group hug: The 27 puppies were born in the space on three days - a new record for their breeder

New arrivals: The tiny puppies are being bottle fed as their mothers are unable to produce enough milk to cater to the entire litter

Centre of attention: Whilst a group of siblings from one litter attempt to take a nap, one energetic pup clearly has other ideas |