[新聞] 法國鬥牛犬當野豬代母

狗不可貌相. 外表看來不好惹的法國鬥牛犬竟當上了代母.
法國鬥牛犬 Baby 在保育中心暫作代母照顧造6個小生命. 很溫馨啊!

Mother's love: Bulldog Baby watches over her adopted boar piglets in Lehnitz, Germany, after they were found six on the edge of Berlin where their birth mother was shot by hunters

Feeding time: Animal sanctuary employee Norbert Damm feeds the boar piglets with bottles while dog Baby keeps a close eye

Hungry: The boar piglets dive in for some bottled milk at lunchtime at the Lehnitz animal sanctuary

Lucky to be alive: The piglets were found in a freezing forest on the edge of Berlin after their mother was shot by hunters