24歲的俄羅斯紋身師傅Timur 養了一只斯芬克斯貓,這種貓是出了名的沒有毛。看著貓咪粉嘟嘟的皮膚,Timur 突然有了一股衝動,於是他利用自己的技藝,在無毛貓的胸前紋了一串項鏈。
貓咪名叫Coco ,睡了一個鐘頭,起來便成這樣了。
一些動物保護協會已經注意到了Timur ,他可能受到“虐待動物”的指控。Timur 為了表示自己對Coco 的愛,也將Coco 的畫像紋到了自己大腿上。

Cruel: Coco now has the same tattoo as its owner Timur Rimut

Close-up: The cruel artist also misspelled the Latin phrase Carpe Diem - writing Carpe Deem instead

Sedated: Coco was put to sleep and then tattooed, which was filmed at the same time

Too shocking: The footage shows Mr Rimut putting Coco under anaesthetic to the fury of animal welfare campaigners

Scarred: Timur Rimut gave the cat the necklace, but this is not the first time this has happened in Russia |