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[棒球] 两周一运动!---棒球

 ,  描述: 5-11-2007 to 18-11-2007
- X7 q/ l8 f& F  j7 J' i2 _4 }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
  L* O9 s1 Y# g, P7 Y7 n1 c这个贴是给会员们回复有关两周运动主题的资料!!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# U' b. }/ t" m6 ~% n" r: F

6 r! Z" y; D7 V- \  Y6 o6 @/ {6 v! n公仔箱論壇比如:玩法,特别技术,规则,棒球赛事的资料,历史和一切有关主题的资料!
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/ h& q, ^; ~1 V4 Q- k( n* L$ c- I1 k7 I如果会员们是回关于主题的贴子就一律加分!!$ }4 ~- M" }! a5 g
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3 o0 u) {; z6 u' @6 gos.tvboxnow.com这两周的主题是------棒球/ k5 g( \; K) N# S7 }4 k2 w
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[ 本帖最後由 ljw1982 於 2007-11-8 12:51 PM 編輯 ]
Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The goal of baseball is to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four markers called bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or diamond. Players on one team (the offense) take turns hitting while the other team (the defense) tries to stop them from scoring runs by getting hitters out in any of several ways. A player on offense can stop at any of the bases and hope to score on a teammate's hit. The teams switch between offense and defense whenever the team on defense gets three outs. One turn on offense for each team constitutes an inning; nine innings make up a professional game. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.' y- T2 P" m0 B" n

6 ?: n% T! V; B) Y# {5 E0 F0 gTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。In North America, professional Major League Baseball teams are divided into the National League (NL) and American League (AL). Each league has three divisions: East, West, and Central. Every year, the champion of Major League Baseball is determined by playoffs culminating in the World Series. Four teams make the playoffs from each league: the three regular season division winners, plus one wild card team. The wild card is the team with the best record among the non–division winners in the league. In the National League, the pitcher is required to bat, per the traditional rules. In the American League, there is a tenth player, a designated hitter, who bats for the pitcher. Each major league team has a "farm system" of minor league teams at various levels. These teams allow younger players to develop as they gain on-field experience against opponents with similar levels of skill.


  • ljw1982

  • canz85

Baseball is played between two teams of nine players each on a baseball field, under the authority of one or more officials, called umpires. There are usually four umpires in major league games; up to six (and as few as one) may officiate depending on the league and the importance of the game. There are four bases. Numbered counter-clockwise, first, second and third bases are cushions (sometimes informally referred to as bags) shaped as 15 in (38 cm) squares which are raised a short distance above the ground; together with home plate, the fourth "base," they form a square with sides of 90 ft (27.4 m) called the diamond. Home base (plate) is a pentagonal rubber slab known as simply home. The playing field is divided into three main sections:TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; s* k7 J% K, g4 z

6 N7 N6 \! A. h6 nTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。The infield, containing the four bases, is for general defensive purposes bounded by the foul lines and within the grass(or AstroTurf) line (see figure). TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. H. k  l- o( ~0 k
The outfield is the grassed area beyond the infield grass line between the foul lines, and bounded by a wall or fence.
4 R$ y9 i8 y) yFoul territory is the entire area outside the foul lines.


  • ljw1982



  • ljw1982

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, \' u7 d  R5 F; U! Vos.tvboxnow.com% n" k8 A( D: k8 K' [; Y( |- @9 z' r$ M" k
  十七世紀英國的板球和一種叫做「跑圈子」的運動,算是棒球的老祖宗,之後再由英國的移民傳至美國,演變成今日的棒球。真正確立棒球的名稱,並將遊戲規則修訂的是1839年美國紐約州的艾伯勒‧達伯爾戴,棒球(Baseball) 名稱即是他根據棒球器材之壘包 (base)而定的。棒球史上舉世公認的最大功臣,首推美國的「棒球之父」亨利‧賈特威克和亞歷山大‧卡特雷特,此二人將棒球規則作一整理,也使得分記錄從此有依據。其中卡特雷特還規定球場為各壘包間距27.4公尺的正方形,每隊九名球員,刺殺出局並改以用球觸人方式。棒球統一規則,從1845年起初具雛型便沿用至今,國際棒球規則從最先的十三條發展成今天的一千多條。從十九世紀五○年代起,棒球比賽逐日正規化,俱樂部、聯盟及組織等相繼成立,隨後1869年世界第一支職業棒球隊─美國的辛辛那提隊正式成軍,迄今棒球在世界各地掀起的熱潮,早已超乎前人之想像。
: ^- N1 w- s0 l/ nos.tvboxnow.com
+ C2 e, T  l* F! O9 U$ `6 V: ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb棒球的簡介TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% a( H' A: E- N! J7 Y  V: I0 ]& Z9 n
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棒球技術tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. L) V3 e; C' s) ]* h1 R( K
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) b# n- B2 u# B8 Vos.tvboxnow.com進攻技術 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 a+ t' G9 {, N9 o  h

! @! w' f: C. ?' }os.tvboxnow.com  包括擊球、跑壘和滑壘等,是得分的主要手段。 , ]3 R) [2 ~( T0 Q% _

9 ]# O5 J. s+ W1 W7 @0 A; \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。擊球:有持棒揮擊和持棒觸擊兩種方法。擊球員雙手握棒,根據投手的投球動作和來球的路線採取相應的擊球方式,力爭將球擊到守方隊員接不到的遠方或空檔。 os.tvboxnow.com& g# Y0 n8 {% r4 j, P
跑壘:擊球員擊出球後,在守方隊員未接到球的瞬間,立即上壘,搶壘位。 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) {: {3 `3 }- T8 x& N4 S8 Q  \
3 |" Z! Y: N. ?( c0 x( H4 h% `! f防守技術 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* b( O: [. w& p: Y# j+ r3 z+ }6 n

7 e) Y$ N8 {4 }: Bos.tvboxnow.com  包括接球、傳球、投球、觸殺、封殺和追殺。


  • ljw1982

  • canz85


棒球的歷史淵遠流長。古希臘和古印度的浮雕、石碑上都有用棒子打球的圖案,我國古代也記載有用長棒打短棒的遊戲。而現代棒球據說是由板球 (cricket) 演變而來。西元1839年住在美國紐約州的艾伯勒‧達伯爾戴由板球的靈感而發明棒球,同年,紐約州古帕司敦進行了首次棒球比賽,而於十九世紀初流行於美國。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) t* g- K; x" I- u! b
* V- R2 y! r; t4 M  X0 L4 J) E
/ l3 R* Y1 w% {( c+ J5 c% A公仔箱論壇
! S: [0 w, E' f' R6 q3 ^os.tvboxnow.com  在棒球史上的第一大功臣,就是將棒球規則整理完備並使得得分記錄方面有所依據的亨利‧賈特威克及亞力山大‧卡特雷特。其中,亞力山大‧卡特雷特於 1845年訂立了棒球的規則,並且規定球場是每邊長為27.432公尺的正方形。因此,這兩位便被稱為「棒球之父」。在紐約州的古巴司鎮,還設有一座「棒球博物館」,介紹棒球的起源、歷史,使得棒球的歷史得以完整呈現在世人面前。
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  西元1869年時第一支美國職業棒球隊誕生。1871年成立職業的國家聯盟組織。西元1876年國際棒球總會 (IBA) (中國大陸稱國際棒球聯合會) 成立。1901年,美國聯盟成立。這兩大聯盟的成立,使得棒球運動不但風靡整個美國,並且席捲全世界。1910年,美國總統批准棒球為美國的「國球」。
, m1 I& t" g  N' [! N1 K! `
7 F6 I$ X5 X2 d5 Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  西元1873年棒球傳入日本,1919年開始在我國沿海一帶出現。二次世界大戰後,棒球在歐洲各國間展開。現在棒球已在五大洲六十多個國家間流行。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* Q2 W5 K1 F  M1 F9 Y% _, D

+ Q4 a4 {$ x, j! J  棒球最大的特色,就是它不但是團體的比賽,也是個人的比賽,也會因選手的心裡狀況而有意想不到的變化。因為沒有比賽時間的限制,因此,在最後一名打者出局之前,沒有人能保證原先落後的球隊是不是會反敗為勝。棒球比賽中「豬羊變色」的情形屢見不鮮。棒球場上流傳著一句話:「球賽在兩人出局後才開始。」所以,棒球可以說是一種充滿刺激性的運動,難怪被譽為「競技與智慧的結合」。


  • ljw1982

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8 Q# }- f& J" B$ N
& F$ y8 x, c/ x6 T) f( cos.tvboxnow.com  正式比賽設裁判4人,其中1人為主審 (主裁判),另3人為壘審 (司壘裁判)。分兩隊比賽,每隊上場隊員9人。兩隊輪流攻守。守方隊員按其職責和位置分別稱投手、捕手 (接手)、一壘手、二壘手、三壘手、遊擊手、左外野手、中外野手和右外野手。攻方隊員按預定順序依次上場擊球的隊員稱打擊者 (擊球員)。攻方隊員在本壘用棒擊守方投手投來的球並能依次踏過一壘、二壘、三壘,最後安全返回本壘者即得1分。8 Q1 |. ?" q* H

) \! K2 i4 s4 V7 I8 b: r  w5 T  守方截接攻方擊出之球後可持球碰觸跑壘員或持球踏壘封殺跑壘員使之出局。攻方3人被殺出局則雙方互換攻守。兩隊各攻守1次為1局。正式比賽需滿9局,積分多者獲勝。守方投手投出的球位於擊球員自然站立時膝上至腋下的立體空間區域稱好球,超出這一區域則稱壞球。投手投球時如擊球員未擊中投手投出的3個好球,則擊球員出局稱為三振出局,但若投手投出4個壞球或投球擊中擊球員,則擊球員安全進入一壘稱為保送。當擊球員擊出界內球時即成跑者,必須向一壘跑進,安全到壘後成為跑壘員。跑壘員應按一壘、二壘、三壘、本壘順序跑壘,反向跑壘,有意阻擋,妨礙守備員接球或傳球均判罰出局。os.tvboxnow.com5 E8 R2 s, M* t0 P9 O

' A( x, T4 q& p( n  s" p/ CTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。基本規則os.tvboxnow.com7 N3 b  J5 M0 y+ f

6 S/ n% F+ z9 s$ o3 dos.tvboxnow.com  比賽棒球時,每隊陣容為9人。一隊先攻,一隊防守,通常地主隊為守方,客隊先攻,以示謙讓。只有攻方才有得分機會。比賽完畢,得分多者為勝隊。至於攻防位置的轉換,須待攻方有三名隊員出局後方可。而攻方每一位球員能成功的跑完一、二、三壘再回本壘就算得分。守方則盡力要讓攻方擊球員出局不得分。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ n# ?2 j; Y9 P; @! R7 n. v) m/ Z3 X
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5 t$ L) g9 B2 D. ^  d4 ]" kTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  比賽場地應平整,一般國際比賽場地,規定內野需成龜背形,最高點為投手丘。投手丘及各壘包周圍是紅土場地,內野的其餘地方以及外野都是草坪。內野是每邊長27.43公尺的正方形。


  • ljw1982

History of baseball in the United States
) x5 Z0 @/ a6 ?( X& N- B
5 H1 U; \1 d. f4 e5 D9 J公仔箱論壇Semiprofessional baseball started in the United States in the 1860s; in 1869, the first fully professional baseball club, the Cincinnati Red Stockings, was formed and went undefeated against a schedule of semipro and amateur teams. By the following decade, American newspapers were referring to baseball as the "National Pastime" or "National Game." The first attempt at forming a "major league" was the National Association, which lasted from 1871 to 1875. The "major league" status of the NA is in dispute among present-day baseball historians, and Major League Baseball does not include the NA among the major leagues. The National League, which still exists, was founded in 1876 in response to the NA's shortcomings. Several other major leagues formed and failed, but the American League, which evolved from the minor Western League (1893) and was established in 1901 as a major league, succeeded. The two leagues were initially rivals that actively fought for the best players, often disregarding one another's contracts and engaging in bitter legal disputes. A modicum of peace was established in 1903, and the World Series was inaugurated that fall. The next year, however, the National League champion New York Giants did not participate as their manager, John McGraw, refused to recognize the major league status of the American League and its champion, the Boston Americans. The following year, McGraw relented and the Giants played the Philadelphia Athletics in the World Series." c2 w1 T% ]9 f
公仔箱論壇, s$ v0 C4 Y5 k/ X, }( P4 m  l
Compared with the present day, games in the early part of the 20th century were lower scoring and pitchers were more successful. The "inside game", whose nature was to "scratch for runs", was played more violently and aggressively than it is today. Ty Cobb said of his era especially, "Baseball is something like a war!" This period, which has since become known as the "dead-ball era", ended in the 1920s with several rule changes that gave advantages to hitters and the rise of the legendary baseball player Babe Ruth, who showed the world what power hitting could produce, altering the nature of the game. Two of the changes introduced were a move to bring the outfield fences closer to the infield in the largest parks, and an introduction of extremely strict rules governing the size, shape and construction of the ball, causing it to travel farther when hit; the aggregate result of these two changes was to enable batters to hit many more home runs.


  • ljw1982

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In 1884, African American Moses Walker (and, briefly, his brother Welday) had played for the Toledo Blue Stockings of the major league American Association. An injury ended Walker's major league career, and by the early 1890s, a "gentlemen's agreement" in the form of the baseball color line effectively barred African-American players from the majors and their affiliated minor leagues, resulting in the formation of several Negro Leagues. The first crack in the agreement occurred in 1946, when Jackie Robinson was signed by the National League's Brooklyn Dodgers and began playing for their minor league team in Montreal. Finally, in 1947, the major leagues' color barrier was broken when Robinson debuted with the Dodgers. Although the transformation was not instantaneous, baseball has since become fully integrated.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 I& z$ @$ Y1 p9 U8 j# E# w) i
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 r, k1 d/ c2 J2 e# b5 E- o
Major League baseball finally made it to the West Coast of the United States in 1958, when the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants relocated to Los Angeles and San Francisco respectively. The first American League team on the West Coast was the Los Angeles Angels, who were founded as an expansion team in 1961.公仔箱論壇$ n* |3 w, u7 d$ V
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- j1 H( {  _' A: b& J* X
Pitchers dominated the game in the 1960s and early 1970s. In the early 1970s the designated hitter (DH) rule was proposed. The American League adopted this rule in 1973, though pitchers still bat for themselves in the National League to this day. The DH rule now constitutes the primary difference between the two leagues.os.tvboxnow.com& ^( E9 ?$ k4 [6 b0 \1 j: ]; Q
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. }& B" g) G$ y+ ~. c5 s
Despite the popularity of baseball, and the attendant high salaries relative to those of average Americans, the players have become dissatisfied from time to time, as they believed the owners had too much control and retained an unfair share of the money. Various job actions have occurred throughout the game's history. Players on specific teams occasionally attempted strikes, but usually came back when their jobs were sufficiently threatened. The throwing of the 1919 World Series, the "Black Sox scandal", was in some sense a "strike" or at least a rebellion by the ballplayers against a perceived stingy owner. But the strict rules of baseball contracts tended to keep the players "in line" in general.


  • ljw1982

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Baseball around the world公仔箱論壇2 I0 c/ R4 n" L* t
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( h+ J% \: T0 V) j5 J
The first formal baseball league outside of the United States and Canada was founded in 1878 in Cuba, which maintains a rich baseball tradition and whose national team has been one of the world's strongest since international play began in the late 1930s. Professional baseball leagues began to form in other countries between the world wars, including the Netherlands (formed in 1922), Australia (1934), Japan (1936), and Puerto Rico (1938). After World War II, professional leagues were founded in Italy (1948) and in many Latin American nations, most prominently Venezuela (1945), Mexico (1945), and the Dominican Republic (1951). In Asia, Korea (1982), Taiwan (1990), and China (2003) all have professional leagues.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* C7 }& Y+ @" |  N# d* _  F: e

6 P; G% s8 j" P+ P! o5 TMany European countries have pro leagues as well, the most successful beside the Dutch being the Italian league founded in 1948. Compared to those in Asia and Latin America, the various European leagues and the one in Australia historically have had no more than niche appeal. Recently, the sport has begun to grow in popularity in those nations, most notably in Australia, which won a surprise silver medal in the 2004 Olympic Games. In 2007, the Israel Baseball League, featuring six teams, was launched. Competition between national teams, such as in the Baseball World Cup and the Olympic baseball tournament, has been administered by the International Baseball Federation since its formation in 1938. As of 2004, the organization has 112 member countries.


  • ljw1982

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Individual and team
3 p7 p6 s" e- y# _5 t- S
. U5 k+ E$ G9 |! ^% lTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Baseball is fundamentally a team sport—even a franchise financially blessed enough to afford two or three Hall of Fame-caliber players cannot count on success. Yet it places individual players under great pressure and scrutiny. The pitcher must make good pitches or risk losing the game; the hitter has a mere fraction of a second to decide what pitch has been thrown and whether to swing at it. While managers and coaches can signal players to pursue certain strategies, no one can help the pitcher while he pitches or the hitter while he bats. If the batter hits a line drive, the outfielder, as the last line of defense, makes the lone decision to try to catch it or play it on the bounce. Baseball's history is full of heroes and goats—men who in the heat of the moment (the "clutch") distinguished themselves with a timely hit or catch, or an untimely strikeout or error.


  • ljw1982

  • canz85

Popularity of Baseball" {) z" S" |  D. r. e! O: O

9 ~3 |& X4 G% T3 DBaseball is most popular in East Asia and the Americas, although in South America its popularity is mainly limited to the northern portion of the continent. In The Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Japan, Cuba, Panama, Venezuela, Nicaragua, South Korea, and Taiwan, it is one of the most popular sports. The United States is the birthplace of baseball, where it has long been regarded as more than just a "major sport"; for many decades, it has been popularly referred to as the "national pastime" and Major League Baseball has been given a unique monopoly status by the Supreme Court of the United States. Although the three most popular professional team sports in the United States are ball games—baseball, basketball and American football—baseball's historical popularity was so great that even today the word "ballgame" in the United States almost always refers to a game of baseball (except in the American South, where the word is also used in association with football), and "ballpark" invariably refers to a baseball field.
' W% k2 M0 z2 c3 l* v, RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
6 L# W& ?: D/ `+ Vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbBaseball has often been a barometer of the fabled American "melting pot", as immigrants from different regions have tried to "make good" in various areas including sports. In the 19th century, baseball was populated with many players of Irish or German extraction. A number of Native Americans had successful careers especially in the early 1900s. Italians and Poles appeared on many rosters during the 1920s and 1930s. Black Americans came on strong starting in the late 1940s after the barriers had been lifted, and continue to form a significant contingent. By the 1960s, Hispanics had started to make the scene, and had become a dominant force by the 1990s. In the 21st century, East Asians have been appearing in increasing numbers.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( n* F& b+ h! r

) J. b/ u  I+ s* p# b& A% E# F: KWhile baseball is perhaps the most popular sport in the United States and is certainly one of the two most popular along with football, it is difficult to determine which is more popular because of the wide discrepancy in number of games per season. For example, the total attendance for major league games is roughly equal to that of all other American professional team sports combined, but football gets higher television ratings, both a function in part of the long (162-game) baseball season and short (16-game) football season. According to Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig, both revenue and attendance are currently higher than at any previous point in the history of the game


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; i7 t' t( R4 T/ ?- W) X公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; E+ K+ x1 B! P3 X. T2 H) e
This picture shows how the baseball moves after it is being thrown out by the pitcher.
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( M+ n& T" L% G+ nos.tvboxnow.com9 x' ]! O! Y9 N, `  @/ k7 X/ ?: `- }
This picture shows the bats that are being used in a baseball game.
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