隨着娛樂產業及網路的發達,人們花在看電視、電影以及使用電腦的頻率也隨之提升,近視的人也因而越來越多。由於近視度數會隨着用眼的程度逐漸升高,所以很多人三不五時就得因為度數改變而重新配眼鏡,近來日本人就發明了一款“液態眼鏡”,只要調整鏡片的水量就能改變眼鏡的度數,讓近視族一勞永逸。% i3 a7 t I# U
This liquid lens technology was not developed by Japanese. I believe it was developed by a registered UK company called Adlens. The founder however is a Chinese from Hong Kong. Anyway, I like the idea of the correcting capability of the lens. But most of the people who wearing glasses are changing their glasses because of style not practicality. If they want to sell more, they have to combine the stylish with the technology !