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: c8 z' C7 @; d% Q. [os.tvboxnow.com未來不用洗衫
: V; s! D1 k, i/ G* Jos.tvboxnow.com' N, W7 {: d2 r8 X  j1 C
不願洗衣服的人有福了!上海東華大學的科學家研製出一種新棉料,當它與陽光接觸時,就能自我去污、去臭!科學家表示,未來污糟衫、牛仔褲等只需要接觸太陽光就能變乾淨。公仔箱論壇; o* a. N: _; j

4 e9 y! \' i  ^$ FTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。據英國《每日郵報》報道,新型棉面料的特別之處在於由二氧化鈦和氮氣組成納米粒子塗層。只要受到陽光照射,二氧化鈦和氮塗層就會將面料上的污跡分解並去除臭氣,而且經過清洗過後仍無損功能!研究人員指出,當暴露在光線下時,這種面料中使用的白色的二氧化鈦能將污糟東西分解,並殺死微生物。- p) e: @7 u+ g7 M0 r  ^4 d# k# E

/ O5 K# N' {+ }( B% ^! I. e: a# {os.tvboxnow.com而二氧化鈦廣泛一向應用於白漆、防曬霜內,並用於製造能自我清潔的塗料、瓷磚和窗戶等。
One more example to the further invention of life means lazyness !   Our scientific inventions are all based on "no-need to do now", what kind of world will we be living in if technology does everything for us ?   I guess at the end of the day, human beings will be classified as environment destroyer and non productive beings.  Hence, skynet will decide to eliminate human race to reserve the earth ?!
thanks for you~~~
i totally not agree with that lo..the scientific inventions are all based on " improve human lifestyle(make the world better".. life is enjoy not to suffer...the scientific will make people without soul become lazy only...the time we save from avoid do those daily work will very useful for we to think and improve...