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曾經上過有線怪談節目...8 X# V6 j  ^& P5 U
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the one behind 2381 law
或許後面那人剛好彎下身呢 ?
at the right side behind the no 2381... :sleeps:
i think is a human 蹲下了:onion31:
No ! the story is , the participant not willing to show his face in the newspaper and request the reporter use photoshop to edit it, unfortunately the reproted only edit the top part and forgot the bottom part. That's why the leg still show it. This has been proved in 奇谈. Don't worry is not ghost
:onion05: thx 4 sharing!!!
:onion05: :onion31:
huh??? thank u very much....
假架,    呢單嘢係有位朋友唔想比人知,   叫編輯抹咗,   點知佢抹上唔抹下,   咪攪到啲人以為係鬼.' s* m% L# d4 T/ R) t) F
怪談同恐怖熱線都有講.    後來有位朋友(自稱係該本雜誌編輯)打電話去(唔記得邊個節目)澄清.
$ Z0 A* I6 V+ ?, o0 _) qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 S, D6 v. x* k$ V9 }! e8 I
如有錯誤,   麻煩指正.
:onion18: :onion18:
怪談有一集咪講e張相點點點怪tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 g- z8 q, P* Q; \* e4 L. a& F0 J
後尾又話張相其實果度本身有個人....果個人唔想出鏡...就叫人洗左自己個樣公仔箱論壇% i: ]) U, l" x! Q) [$ Y1 F
thx 4 sharing