/ L% I. e3 X7 a( s; L& d公仔箱論壇
3 n7 F0 L% o; h西門町早期以電影院為最主要的商業活動,當時的電影院大多環繞於峨嵋街、成都路與西寧南路上,故也是西門町發展的中心,捷運板南線完工,中華路在台北市政府的規劃之下,搖身一變成為台北的香榭大道,不僅如此,大小廣場與活動空間如雨後春筍般地成長,現今的西門町不但見證了歷史,還是新一代流行文化的帶領者,許多懷舊的中老年人在此回味往事,更有打扮新潮的年輕一代在這裡爭奇鬥豔,兩種完全不同的生活型態在此交流,滿足了不同需要的族群。2 b7 g5 J7 R7 B0 D' m
Ximending is a gathering place for energized youth. Nowadays, Exit 6 at MRT Ximen Station has become a popular meeting place for young people. The plaza in front of Exit 6 is a haven for street art, with a boisterous scene full of spray paint artists, magicians, musical performances, and movie promotional events. If you walk a little further down the pedestrian zone, the square in front of Watson’s is a popular site for small concerts and pop star autograph-signing events. One trip to Ximending, and you will get a grasp of what’s popular in music. |