my aunt always say my chinese is half pail water, all the time
this 甜柠姐巧 business ah..i know i got it wrong earlier
was it referring to lemon or sweet ice lemon tea or ...
well, well chowold is right my chinese really lousy..
my level is k1 level..ok!ok!
(ABBA) Anne Sofie von Otter - The Day Before You Came
I think it is worth mentioning this lovely number on Cafe
as I believed so many of us at least must have on several
occasions find ourselves within the notes ...
the shadows in the image within and behind...
Norman loves the above version, and it is really a lovely one so I posted the original Abba
version as well. With a different mood and tempo...
Enjoy Cafe Mates...& all my 旧相好啊 pals...
have a lovely GD Mornin... GD EVENIN...GD 9
dear friends at CAFE 甜柠姐巧..???!!!##@@**++o+= dunno wat the meaning but it is chinese alright...
No doubts about it d...chowold smart...n morn gd eve gd 9
N thks norman 4 sharing the lovely no
唔好亂講野 ah! N bu yau luang lai ah (mandarin)
at Cafe...bu ke ee de ok...(mandarin)
wait kimmicat Fan Kwei again(mandarin)
mod fine kimmicat tvb money
n chase the kimmicat out of chui shui n the TVB d..
forever...i know i no...shadows..within n behind..kimmicat...
shhhh...terror...terror...scare... SHADOWS
but, always will remember the shadows of kindness, n helpful hands n deeds towards me at chui shui
that I am still kicking and alive at TVB...
i missed playlord the veri naughty boy on the blog
wat on earth happened to him...he just disappeared n vanished..
he is a very helpful n kind mate me alot w chinese..
wherever he is...i pray he is healthy, happy always...