水母湖是一個閉鎖式的山中湖,水母早在六億五千萬年前就存在了,它的出現甚至比恐龍還早。遠古時期水母順著海水進了這區域,後來不知是海平面變低了還是地層攏起了,水母就留在這片山中湖了。公仔箱論壇! c+ v4 ?: W& A% Y
+ U/ h3 K+ q s公仔箱論壇進入水母湖要很小心,可以摸摸它,水母體內百分之九十五是水,不能離開水面,也要小心蛙鞋及指夾,不要傷到了它。
. B, ~- u% @# a. D2 j& U; _os.tvboxnow.com
( h( D {) l( [# Q/ @' B公仔箱論壇Millions of years ago, jellyfish were trapped in this lake after a submerged reef rose from the sea, creating a landlocked saltwater lake. In this lake, the jellyfish have adapted to the new conditions by losing their sting. They have eight primitive eyes and algae that live within their cells. These algae are what the jellyfish live on. Twice each day, the jellyfish in the lake swim from one side to the other. The jellyfish do this to get sunlight to their internal algae so that the algae can grow. At night the jellyfish swim to a lower depth where the water is rich in nitrogen. The nitrogen also sustains the algae population. The jellyfish has only one main predator in this lake -- the sea anemone. Jellyfish can be stung, trapped, and killed by these creatures.
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