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ask her out to watch a sweet movie...when u bring her home, tell her that u want to date her again..ho sweet gaaa!!!!!!!
原帖由 CaLLILLI 於 2009-2-16 10:04 AM 發表 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  Y8 P6 _  t5 N; B7 q' d
ask her out to watch a sweet movie...when u bring her home, tell her that u want to date her again..ho sweet gaaa!!!!!!!
os.tvboxnow.com5 [/ \+ W0 \. w* K

4 ~0 w" ?+ E9 k$ B7 @: C1 E6 d0 S2 Q: J2 ]( A! h0 a
i dont like to watch the sweet movies!!
in the street , say i love you and give her she favorite flower  ...
6 h, z$ i- D2 H3 v公仔箱論壇is the best 表白方式, b+ T" g2 S8 {4 O9 t1 c( Z
but you are shy...3 M  E  N8 G$ Z4 o5 [6 w
you should be brave ! because you love her
in the street , say i love you and give her  she favorite flower
  I9 p5 C  D% |% D公仔箱論壇is the best 表白方式!9 Z: v2 v* i/ [& z% K3 Z- R
but you a shy ...
+ v( Q  Y8 h8 p8 J/ |8 i# f. j" C公仔箱論壇you should be brave because you love her .
in the street , say i love you and give her  she favorite flower & P" O7 D; M- D8 Z9 d+ Z7 A; c/ t
is the best 表白方式!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- G$ x/ c9 D' T( |/ b. D% a( I
but you a shy ...os.tvboxnow.com9 F* r( \# S+ l1 C7 c
you should be brave because you love her .